Make Me Forget

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"Kiss me, Ruru."

I just stared at her blankly. I don't know what to do right now, do I follow my heart or my mind? My mind says Gabriella but my heart screams Glaiza.

"....please" she pleaded with her shaky voice. She's still crying. I wiped her tears as she leaned more... and more.


I looked down and sighed. I grabbed my phone and to my surprise, it's one of my college friends.

"Hey bro, what's up? Any updates about our reunion?" I asked. I looked at Glaiza and I could tell she's still disappointed. She wiped her tears.

"Look, Ruru. I'm at Khalil's party and Gabriella is here." He sighed.

"Oh great, what made you call then?" I admit I'm a little nervous of what he's about to say next because Khalil was Gabriella's boyfriend when we were still in college.

"Uh... I caught them making out, man. I'm sorry I just really had to tell you."

I blinked and breathe heavily. "N-no, it's okay."

"Bro if you need someone to--"

I ended the call. I'm exactly looking at the person I need the most right now. Before Glaiza could go back to her room, I held her arm. "Wait. Do you um, want to go to the bar with me? C'mon it's a Saturday night." I tried to smile.

"S-sure." She said.


At the bar

I just couldn't stop staring at him. I know a lot of people who has such high standards when it comes to finding the right one. but in the end, they end up with the total opposite. and I think that's happening to me now... I'm falling in love with someone who can never pass my standards.

"You know what? You win, Glaiza. You win once again!" Ruru laughed like there is no tomorrow. Yep, he's drunk.

"What do you mean?" I asked trying to make this conversation longer even though I know he won't remember anything the next morning.

"Gabriella is nothing but a fucking slut. Once a slut, always a slut. I should have known better." He just shook his head.

"So what now? What's your next plan big guy?' Are you still gonna' work for my father?" I asked.

"Nah, he sucks. I just want to be at home playing xbox, now that would be dope."

"And what? wait for a hot chick to come at you?" I faked a laugh.

"Speaking of hotties, look at that lady in blue. Come on Glaiza, be my wingman!" He literally pushed me to the dance floor.

I hurried back to him. "No way! I'm not gonna talk to that lady just to have her flirt with you."

"Oh someone's jealous." He smirked at me.

I am, Ruru. "No I'm not. The reason why I don't want to is because you are drunk and there's a 70 percent chance you won't be remembering any of this tomorrow, you little heartbreaker. Let's just get back home." I laughed.

"No, no, no. Let's spend more time in this bar. Come on, loosen up a little! Oh wait I know, why don't we just talk? chit chat. I feel like we have so many things to talk about." He suggested.

I put down my purse and just smiled. "Okay. what do you want to talk about."

"Let me think... Um, I am your one and only bestfriend, like your realest bestfriend. And I know a lot of things about you so... maybe, tell me something I don't know." He laughed.

I can feel my tears streaming down my face again. "Do you really want me to tell you what you still don't know about me? Okay... you really don't know what I truly feel." I wiped my tears.

He just stared at me first like his sense came back.

"Glaiza... it's not worth it. We can never be together in that way because--"

"Stop." I stood up and ran away from him.

His voice suddenly became a knife. How could he say that? What's wrong with me? My vision became blurry because of my tears. I bumped in to someone and to my surprise...

"Marx!" I don't know but immediately hugged him, despite whatever happened between us. How he left me. I should be surprised and should actually punch him in the face, but seeing a familiar face in my very situation is something I really need right now.

"Glaiza?" He was also surprised to see me, he was about to avoid me but he saw my tears all over my face. He cupped my cheeks.

"Why are you crying? Why are you here?" He asked.

"Let's just get out of here, please... make me forget about this night."

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