You're More Than Enough

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"You what?" My eyes widened with what she just told me.

"Gabriella is pregnant..." She whispered and stared blankly.

"Glaiza, what did you say? Say it again."

"Uh-no um I was just messing with you. I'm gonna go to my room now." She tried to stand up but I pulled her back.

"No. You're scared, you can stay here. You're trying to make excuses again, Glai. Now repeat what you said earlier."

She's getting a little bit teary. "It's not important. The only thing important here is, Gabriella is pregnant we should celebrate, yey!" She tried to smile but her nose is getting red already.

"Glaiza... you said you like me..." I whispered while staring at her beautiful hazel brown eyes.

"I was just k--"

"No you weren't kidding. You meant it goddamnit just admit it already!"

"Okay fine, gosh! I do okay? I like you."

"Why just now Glaiza? Now that I have Gabriella? Here you are again confusing with my feelings!"

"Why are you confused? It's not like you have to choose! I'm just your bestfriend. Gabriella is the one you love. Forget what I told you awhile ago okay? It'd just be easy to forget--"

"You know what? It would be really hard for me to forget about it. You know why? Because I love you. I've been loving you Glaiza but you don't seem to notice well now you did."

"I-I'm sorry that I realized that just now. I told my mom about Marx and I and then she told me about you and that's when I---"

"So you didn't really notice me huh? It was your mother."

"You know that's not true, Ruru. I appreciate all the things you do for me."

"Yes you do. But I want more Glaiza! I need you to give me the exact amount of love that I always give to you."

"Are you telling me that I've been unfair to you? I always help you Ruru I literally begged my father just to give you a job--"

"But you never asked if I am in love with what I'm doing! The only reason I accepted that job is so that I could show or prove to you that I can be responsible enough, that I can be the man worth your dreams. I want to be the man with goals. That's what you want right? A man with goals."


I wiped my tears. "Ruru, we never had a serious fight before. What is happening to us?"

"You know what? Let's go back to sleep. I have to visit Gabriella tomorrow anyways." He turned his back to me.

I waited for him to finally fall asleep.

"You're enough, Ruru. You have everything that I have been looking for... I'm just scared."

I let one last tear to fall down my face before I finally fall asleep.


I'm off to Gabriella's place and a lot of things are going through my mind right now.

I'd be lying to myself if I say that I have moved on from Glaiza. She's right, we never had a serious fight before. Last night was a first.

I opened the door to her apartment, I then saw her looking so stressed.

"Baby, everything alright?" I hugged her very tight.

"Yeah yeah, I'm just a little bit tired that's all." She smiled forcefully.

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