The Proposal

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His hands on my waist, my head on his chest, his lips putting kisses on my hair, my arms slung over his neck. Everything is perfect.

I'm certain, Marx is the one. It doesn't matter if we haven't been together for a long time, if it has been for years, what matters is, it's true love I feel.

It has always been right whenever I'm with him.

"You smell so good baby." Marx keeps on sniffling on my hair, giggling.

I can't help but giggle myself as well. "Stop it, people are looking."

He didn't stop. "I'm just smelling your hair, what's wrong with that?"

I whispered on his hear. "Because we're the only ones here on the dance floor." I looked at him and shook my head. "Let's go back to our stools."

He wrapped me more in his arms and pecked my lips. "Okay fine..." He chuckles.

We then went back to our stools in the bar, but he made me sit on his lap. We just had the best time here.


He couldn't stop pinning me at the elevator wall and I couldn't resist all those wet kisses he's putting on my neck.

"Mhmm don't leave hickeys, you bad boy." I giggled.

Marx being so stubborn and cute, he pinned me harder and lifted both my legs. He kissed me even harder, wanting for more.

I tried to breathe in between our rough kissing. I keep running my fingers on his hair as he's starting to guide himself to me.

"B-baby... we're in... the eleva-a-tor" I moaned then giggled. "Put me down..."

He actually did, but didn't stop on kissing me. "Why not stay in my place tonight?"

"I-I can't..." His hand running down my thigh is making me weak.

"Please?" He looked me in the eye.

I sighed and cupped his face. "I got a lot of work to do tonight baby."

"Just tonight please?"

"I'm sorry but I really can't baby, I have to catch up with work and tonight's probably my only chance." I pouted my lips.

He runs his fingers through my hair. "Okay fine, I understand." He then assured a smile.

Isn't he the greatest guy in the world?

I pecked his lips. "Some other time okay?"

He nodded yes. "But damn! That was a huge boner you left me." He smirked.

I whispered and slowly rubbed my hand on his crotch to tease him. "I'll make it up to him okay?" I bit my lip looking at him moaning.

He groaned and I laughed.

"Let's go, we're on my floor." I then held his hand.


I turned back a little. "What baby?"

He gave me a soft kiss and it felt like forever. "I love you."

I smiled looking at him in the eyes. "I love you too."


As per usual, I'm in this couch with my legs on the table watching television. I got work on my laptop but still, I can't get my eyes off of the television. I'm seriously getting used to this lifestyle now.

The door opened, and it's Glaiza and Marx, being all sweet lovey-dovies. Stop before I puke, please.

"Oh hey Ruru..." Marx greeted me.

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