Failed Attempt

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Time's ticking. 7:30

He should be here by seven. Where the hell is he?

I constantly tap my foot again and again, rolled my eyes and sighed all together in the anticipation of waiting for Ken. He shouldn't be late. I mean, I don't like guys who are late on dates.

15 minutes later

"God I'm sweating ..." I whispered to myself.

I decided to wait for Ken at our apartment's lobby. It's almost an hour already that I've been waiting for him. And all I got are replies from him that says 'I'm coming, I just got stuck in traffic'... I rolled my eyes at the thought.

But I bet he's a good guy. And I want to get to know him better. So yeah, I'd like to think that he's worth the wait.

The apartment's bellman and me and Ruru's good friend, Mr. Goodman stared at me and asked. "Your date running a little late?"

I sighed a little as I'm sitting on the couch. "I guess so..." I pouted.

He just shook his head and offered me a slight smile.

But really, he's taking too long. Maybe I should go back to my room and wait for him there, at least there's Ruru I can hang out with for the mean time.

If he was just playing me with a lie, and is ditching me then that's it, he's not the one.

But as I was about to stand up and walk to the elevator, there was this man who's rushing towards my direction.

I shook my head and blinked a few times. It's him, Ken.

He stopped right in front of me and breathed heavily. "Hi Glaiza, I'm so sorry I'm late." He smiled nervously, thinking that I would slap the hell out of his face for keeping me waiting for an hour.

But nah, I wouldn't do that. He's too cute for a hard slap.

I giggled a little. "Yeah, you were a bit late but it's okay at least you're finally here. What took you so long?"

He sighed hard and wiped the sweats out of his face. Oh God, he's even hotter when he's sweating.

"It was traffic. Unbelievable! Thank God I made it through. And I was catching this game with my friends and--"


I raised both my eyebrows in curiosity. "Game?"

"Football! It was on TV and I seriously have to watch it. And my friends came over to my house and it was awesome, our team won!"

So he's saying that he kept me waiting for an hour while he was jumping over his couch watching a stupid football game? Really?

"Oh..." That's all I could say.

"But I'm really sorry, it won't happen again. I mean it was the championship, I have to watch it you know? But here I am right now in front of you, mesmerized of how stunning you look tonight." And then his eyes smiled at me. Okay, I admit it. I went weak.

I couldn't help but blush. "Thank you, you look very fine as well."

"But you're much more, I couldn't stop staring at you."

He then slides his hand around my waist and kissed my cheek softly. "I'm gonna make it up to you tonight okay?"

Okay, okay... he's sweet alright.

I just looked at his face, eyes to lips and vice versa. He's actually mesmerizing. "Okay."

"Let's go?" He offered his hand.

don't hurry love ▪ glairuWhere stories live. Discover now