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"Baby Roo Roo"

"Baby Roo Roo"

"Baby Roo Roo"

I woke up from the loud noises of the ringtone of my phone. I groaned and answered the call.

"What?!" I annoyingly asked.

"Good morning! Get up already because Dad is waiting for you at his office. Don't forget to lock the door when you leave, okay?" It's Glaiza.

We're used to this, I yell at her, she still gets all sweet and vice versa.

I rubbed my eyes. "Oh okay, Glai. We're grown ups now, you can stop calling me just to wake me up. I can do it myself."

"Oh I doubt it. You need me." I heard her giggles again.

I just rolled my eyes because damn she is so right. She has been my alarm clock since forever.

"Okay, you win. Good bye Glai, take care."

I stood up and went to my closet. I just stared at my suit and ties. This isn't the job I wanted. But I have to work and thanks to Glaiza, she literally begged her father just to get me this job. I love Glaiza, but I hate how her father is always reminding me that I am so dependent to his daughter.


Just another day of working. I put some frosting on the cake and sighed. Look at this beautiful wedding cake. When will I be able to bake a wedding cake for myself? Will it ever happen to me? Or will I end up as an old single woman?

"Mikee! Put this in a box please."

I stood up and went to my office. What do I do next? I grabbed my phone and played Candy Crush.

"Fuck! 2 stars?!" Games can be really annoying.

"Uh, excuse me?" I looked at who's knocking on my door.

I think my jaw just dropped. He's so hot, oh my.

"H-Hi." I smiled like a fool.

"Hi, um I'm here to claim my order. The wedding cake?" He smiled. Oh god, his smile.

"Oh. Okay. Wait a second I'll go get it" I usually let Mikee, my assistant, give the costumers their order, but boy not this time. I carried the box and it's quite heavy.

"Oh let me help you!" He literally just touched my hand while he's trying to get the box from me.

"Thank you. My name is Glaiza." I smiled and tried to fix my hair.

"Ken." He smiled.

I was just staring at how perfect he is. But then I came back to my senses. "Oh right, have you signed the receipt?"

"Not yet. Where is it?"

I let him sign the receipt while I still stare at him. God, he's so perfect.

He handed me the receipt. "Well, I gotta go. Bye" he smiled at me again and I swear this time I'm already drooling.

He closed the door. I sighed and took the receipts and went to my office. I should have asked him if he would want to go out with me. Ugh, another missed opportunity Glaiza.

As I was reviewing the receipts, I saw Ken's. I stared at his receipt. He has a nice penmanship.

Holy shit!

It has a number on the back of the paper.

"Call me, beautiful. I'll be waiting -K"

Is this a sign? What's wrong with trying?

I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed his number.

On the 5th ring, he finally answered.

"Uh, who's this?"

Shit. What do I say? "Um, I..Uh..This is Glaiza from--"

"Oh yes of course. That beautiful lady, how could I forget?"

I rolled my eyes. Duh of course you wouldn't forget. You were here like 30 minutes ago.

"So, do you want to go out sometime, Glaiza?" He asked.

My heart skipped a beat, but still, I answered in a heartbeat. "Uh yeah, wait let me check my schedule."

I stopped talking for 20 seconds just so he would think I was really checking my non existent planner.

"I'm free tonight. So?"

"Yeah, same. Message me your address and I'll pick you up at 6"

"O-okay." I bit my lip.

"Good bye, beautiful."


I just got home. I immediately opened the TV and PS4. Oh this is what I call heaven. A cold beer and PS4.

"Roo!" Glaiza opened the door and jumped on me.

"Jesus christ! You scared me."

"Oops, sorry. Anyways, I think I found the one!" She's grinning ear to ear. Her eyes are disappearing, which is actually my favorite.

I rolled my eyes. "What made you say he is the one?"

Here she goes again. She sighed and looked at the ceiling while foolishly smiling. "I don't know, it's like love at first sight. When he walked in, I knew there was something. It's true Ruru! Love comes in unexpected ways." She leaned on my shoulder.

I just sighed. "Cliché. So cliché Glaiza. Aren't you getting tired? Why don't you take a break and have fun?"

She stared at me suspiciously and stood up. "Aha! You're just saying that because you're losing! You have no one to date." she laughed so loud.

"Shut up, Glaiza. I need a break. I still can't get over Arra."

"C'mon Ruru, let's go to the bar. I promised remember? Plus there is no time for taking a break and have fun. You can't just sit there and wait for someone to come in. You go find that princess and I'm gonna find my prince. Got that? So come on let's go!" She's trying to pull my arm.

I turned off the PS4 and switched channels.

"Looks like HBO is up for romantic movies today."

"Shut up, Roo. You're changing the topic! Let's go to the bar."

"Let's watch this. You like romantic movies."

She sighed and finally gave up. "Fine."

The movie is almost done. I heard Glaiza sniff. I looked at her side and saw her crying again.

I pulled her closer to me and hugged her tight. "What now?"

"Why can't I have my own happy ending? Life is so unfair." She sniffed even more.

She's always like this. Everytime we watch romantic movies, she would always rant about not having a fairytale of her own.

"Aw, Glai. Maybe it's that guy you met at your shop." I tried to make her feel comfortable but we both know it's not true.

"Shit! I gotta get dressed! He'll be here soon." She wiped her tears and hurried to the bathroom.

"Take care, don't forget to bring a condom!" I jokingly said.

"Shut up!" She yelled.

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