Moving On

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Just another gathering at that restaurant Chynna recommended to us and the last time we went here, Marx proposed to Glaiza aka my nightmare.

I'm just watching them having fun inside. I couldn't even afford seeing Glaiza bragging about her new diamond ring. I mean, I love the fact that she's happy but I hate the fact that it's not because of me.

I stared at her for awhile then she caught me and smiled. She then went outside.

"Hey, what are you doing out here?" She asked walking closer to me.

"I love it here. Go inside Glai, Marx is waiting for you."

She sat beside me and took the beer I'm holding. "How many times do I have to remind you to limit your drinking? Ruru, you have work tomorrow. Plus, it's not good for your health, You should--"

"Okay, mom." I joked and rolled my eyes.

She laughed and playfully hit my arm. "Ruru, I'm serious. I won't be here forever to remind you about things to do and not to do. I'm engaged." She smiled and showed me her wedding ring.

"I can take care of myself." I told her and stole the beer in her hand.

"Yeah right." She laughed. Then she looked into my eyes and I could tell she's about to cry. "Awww, Roo..." she sat on my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck. "I'm going to miss you so much, Ruru."

I rubbed her back. "Hey, it's not like I'm going to die." I tried to laugh.

"But I won't be able to see you every morning and I mean, I'm used to being with you in one roof and now I'm getting married, I'm going to miss you so much." She tightened our hug ang cried even harder.

"You're such a child sometimes." I laughed but I could already feel my tears falling.

I was about to ask her if she's sure about this whole marriage thing but of course Marx had to interupt us.

"Glaiza? Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Yeah baby? Okay. Ru, I'll be back." She wiped her tears and walked inside.


"What is it, baby?" I let him wrap his arms around my waist.

"Uh, I don't want to act possesive Glai but um, you're kind of getting married with me so sitting on someone else's lap is really not allowed." He nervously laughed.

I laughed and kissed him. "Baby, Ruru is just my best friend. That's normal to us, nothing more. You don't have to worry okay? It's just Ruru." I assured him.

"I know and he is a great guy but It doesn't look normal to me, I'm sorry baby." He pouted his lips.

"Kay, fine. But I can't promise you that I'll limit my bondness with Ruru because he is like my brother. Before you marry me, you should know that he is a huge part of my life and no one can take that away from me."

"Okay, I understand. Although I have to be honest, I'm jealous but I'll just go along with it, you know why?" He tightened his grip on my waist.

"Why?" I bit my lip.

"Because I want to marry you so bad." He kissed my lips like there's no tomorrow.

"I love you, baby."


Where the fuck is Glaiza? She told me she'll come back outside. That fucking Marx took him again.

Fuck this. I threw the can of beer and went inside.

"I'm leaving, good night." I told them.

"Ruru, are you drunk again?" Chynna asked.

"Yeah so what?"

"He obviously can't get over the fact that his princess is getting married to another guy. Grow some balls Ruru you should have told her years before. Coward." Rocco laughed.

I ran to him and punched him right on his face. "Get up! Who's the coward now huh? Come at me bro!"

"Ruru! Rocco! Stop! God you both need to calm down!" Sanya yelled at us.

Rocco stood up and looked at me with his piercing eyes. "Why don't you just admit it?! You won't be able to live without Glaiza. You always depend on her, you're fucking lazy, you don't get a long with people, you hate working, all you do is sit around and play video games, how will Glaiza even choose someone who has no goals in life?!"

"Fine! Alright? I hear all of you! I'm the one who has no goals, I'm the one who isn't successful. I know nothing! I'm dumb! I can never be good enough for someone so perfect! I fucking get it, fuck!" I yelled.

"Ruru? What's happening here?" Glaiza walked in and ran to me.

"Um, Ruru is just drunk again." Chynna said and looked down.

"Fuck this, I'm gonna leave." I told them and went outside the door.

"Ruru!" She ran to me and pulled my arm. "What the hell is wrong with you this time? I'm so tired telling you what to do--"

"Then don't! I don't need you!" I let go of her... just like that.


"One martini please." I told the bartender.

I'm just going to accept the fact that I'll be on my own from now on. Glaiza won't be here with me forever, she's gonna move in with Marx eventually. And I'll be alone.

"Hey..." Someone sat beside me and I could tell it's a lady.

"I'm sorry I'm not in the mood for--" I looked at her and I didn't know what to say.

"Gabriella?!" I widened my eyes.

She giggled and hugged me. "It's me! Oh my god I missed you, Ruru!"

"W-wow, How have you been? I- Um you look amazing." I told her.

"Thank you, Ruru. I could tell I've changed, I mean I still go to bars but I don't whore around anymore." She laughed.

"Well that's good to hear." I smiled.

I just realized something. This might be it, Gabriella might help me finally move on with Glaiza.

Let's admit it, I have no more chances of having Glaiza all to myself. She'll just forever be in my dreams. I'm gonna have to move on.

"So, you single?" I asked her.

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