[Preference] His Favorite Nickname for You

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He enjoys calling you his Cherry Blossom and will often say it in his native tongue. After a few times of him telling you what it meant, you began to notice it just by the way it sounded and now it's your favorite thing to hear from his mouth. He is very expressive and will rarely hold back how sweet he is on you, even if you're out and about in the town.


His nickname for you is his Sakura Blossom. He has never once called you it in English other than the once or twice he translated it from Japanese so you could understand him. On occasion, he refers to you as his Cherry Blossom but it's rather rare. He also does not often call you any nickname in public for fear of "endangering" his bad boy reputation. Or at least, that's what Genji told you when you asked him.


He loves calling you "love" and "dearie" being from Australia and all. The first couple times took getting used to because the only person to ever call you those names in the past had been older relatives. When you expressed that concern to him, he simply laughed in your face and carried on calling you those names regardless.


His absolute favorite nickname (if he had to choose one) would be Babydoll. It's not too out of the box but it's not that commonly used either and something about that seems to resonate with both of you. He doesn't hold his affection back from you either, always calling you by your nicknames no matter that situation.


Darlin' and Little Lady are the most common two he uses, though there's a vast array of names he can come up with for you. Some of them are more cute, like Peach or Sugar. Others are a little weirder like Sugarmama (yes he's really called you that) and Cherry Pie. Though they can be weird, you love every name he calls you simply because you know they're all terms of endearment.


Gabriel doesn't often express his love for you in public, but that's not to say he has no cute pet names for you. Whenever he calls you by a cute name, it's in Spanish since that's his native tongue. Instead of Princess, he calls you Princesa and instead of doll, he calls you Muñeca. You prefer to hear it that way anyway because then it seems more special to you.


Being the large, overly affectionate German that he is, he is very expressive. There doesn't ever seem to be a sentence where he isn't calling you a sweet name. He prefers to use Sweetie, Sweetheart and the rarely used Babygirl. He wishes he could use every name in the book all the time, but you forbade it after thinking about how often he would end up calling you something strange.

Soldier 76

Jack is a little more old fashioned when it comes to nicknames. He tends to stick with Baby, maybe the occasional Babe but nothing too extreme. The most creative name he's ever called you was Cutiepie, but you don't mind. In fact, you prefer it that way because any other sweet names from him sound weird in your ears.

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