Young!Soldier:76 x Mute!Reader : Voice

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It's an angsty one boys and girls so strap on your big boy pants.

Requested by : None

You had been a part of Overwatch since it's conception. You were good friends with Angela Ziegler when the idea first came up so when the time finally came, you were one of the first people along with Jack Morrison, Gabriel Reyes, Reinhardt Wilhelm, Torbjörn Lindholm and Ana Amari. It was a small bunch, but you were truly the best the world had to offer.

"(Y/L/N)," Jack called as he entered your nurses station. Angela had trained you in the art of being a doctor and you had found ways to maximize your value despite the fact that you couldn't speak. You turned your head towards Jack as he answered, smiling shyly up at him. The two of you were almost closer than you and Angela and seeing him always put a smile on your face.

"Have you seen Angela? I need to talk to her about this assignment she wants to send you on," he handed you a slip of paper that contained mission details. The gist of it was that Angela wanted to send you into one of the most dangerous locations to uncover details about the omnics that had attacked there. The reason it was so dangerous was because the omnics were still there, ready to fight anyone who triggered their sensors.

You peered back up at Jack, handing him the paper back before using sign language to express the way you felt about the situation.

I think it would be good for me to go on a mission, you tried to tell him. When you had first joined the team, everyone took the time to learn sign language just to make things all the more easy on you. It was quite sweet and you appreciated it beyond belief.

"You can't go into the field if you can't communicate," he waved his hand dismissively at your feelings. "How are you supposed to tell us if something goes wrong? Or if you need backup? Or when you're ready to be taken back? It just won't work."

You could come with me, you reasoned, trying to find any solution that would let you go on this mission. You wanted desperately to go out into the field with everyone else. You didn't want your disability to hold you back.

"And if we get separated?" He questioned.

We could make some kind of device that can transfer a sound through the ear pieces, you would say anything to get him to let you go. It was all you wanted.

"But how will that help me find you?"

Morse code?

"I'm not fluent in Morse code."

Please Jack, you can be my voice and I promise we won't get separated! You pleaded momentarily and he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers.

"Fine," he sighed again, giving in to your demands. The second he approved, you jumped from your seat and wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging onto him tightly. A soft blush coated his cheeks but you didn't notice as he put his arms around your waist and kept you pressed against him.

A few weeks passed and it was time for you and Jack to head out on your first mission. It was to Eichenwalde, Reinhardt's homeland where he had experienced the terrifying acts of the omnics first hand. When you landed, Jack was quick to take the lead, checking behind himself quite often to make sure you hadn't gotten lost.

It was tough to avoid the omnics and there was no way for you to tell Jack if you saw one without making some kind of commotion which had the potential to alert exactly what you were trying to avoid. As you saw a rogue bastion unit sneaking up behind you, you reached out and grasped Jack's arm.

"What is it-?" His question was cut off as he saw the bastion behind you. Without thinking, you dove in front of him to protect him as a spray of bullets began to rain down on you. Blood splattered around you and you couldn't comprehend that it was your blood. It coated Jack's face and the walls behind him as you tried to protect him.

You fell limply onto the ground, your breathing shallow as Jack exploded the bastion unit with one of his helix rockets. He fell to his knees beside you, terror in his eyes.

"(Y/N)," he whispered softly, brushing your hair out of your face as you laid in a pool of your own blood. "No no no, (Y/N) please c'mon stay with me." He grasped one of your hands tightly in his own. Slowly the world faded to black and the last thing you heard was a heart wrenching cry from Jack's lips.

Jack wasn't sure how many days had passed since the mission in Eichenwalde had gone horribly wrong. He managed to stitch up just enough of the wounds to get you back to the Overwatch base. When Angela saw the state you were in, she was in full blown hysterics. Her tears would cloud her eyes as she tried her best to keep you clinging onto what little life you had left.

"(Y/N)," Jack whispered your name softly as he sat at your bedside. Hours and hours of surgery and here you were, holding onto that spark inside and trying to stay alive. You were deep in a state of comatose, Angela not really sure when you would wake up again, but Jack thought he should be by your side anyway.

"(Y/N)," he started again, trying to stay strong as he spoke. "I don't know if you can hear me in there, but you're one hell of a soldier. You threw yourself in front of my without a second thought." Tears trickled down the blond mans face as he grasped on of your hands in his own, pressing his lips to the back of it.

"I need you to keep fighting," the words that left his mouth were almost incomprehensible through his sobs. "I need you to come back to me soldier. Th-that's an order you hear me?" He pressed his forehead against your hand as waves of tears crashed over his body.

Months passed and still there was no sign of if you would wake up or not. Jack visited you every single day and Angela couldn't count how many times he had fallen asleep at your bedside. He cared so deeply for you and that was what hurt him the most. Sure, he wanted you back because you were an amazing asset to the team and you could run circles around almost anyone else, but that's wasn't why he really wanted you back.

Even if it was only a for a moment, a brief lapse in time, he wanted you to wake up so he could tell you he loved you. So he could express the feelings he had been to cowardly to admit in the past. So he could press his lips against yours and let you know how loved and important you were.

But he couldn't do that now. You were deep in a state of unconsciousness and whether or not you would ever wake up was a mystery. Everyday was hell on earth for Jack as he suffered through the grueling work of Overwatch, just to return to the hospital and see that the only woman he could ever love, was still in her coma.

But he never let go of your hand as you wandered in the darkness of your own mind, as you tried to find a way back to the conscious world. No, he never lost hope because he loved you and that would never change.

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