Chapter 13: Wedding

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Will POV...
Today is my wedding day. I never thought I would be getting married and to someone who is not even my mate. Jake and I agreed that it would be in the packs best interest if we both got married in order to take our place as betas of the pack. Jake is getting married next week because he claims he does not know the girl well enough, but I know that the real reasons is that he keeps on hoping that Rafe will come back for us. I also had hope bit it diminished when a whole year of torment went by without even one word from our mate. It was as if he forgot us and moved on with his life. The final nail in the coffin was hearing about his past from a total stranger. A man named Ethan came here looking for Rafe claiming that he was his husband and how he took Rafe in when his parents threw him out. All the hope I had diminished as we saw proof of Ethan's life with Rafe and how happy they were. Jake still thinks there must be a logical explanation as to why everything is happening but I can't do this anymore. If Rafe won't have me then Alicia shall have me. She has been our best friend since kindergarten and she is a Mateless wolf. She took pity on me and helped through the first rough months of Rafe being gone, and that's when I saw that other than Rafe there is no better partner for me. I can't be with Jake because then I would always feel the lack of Rafe in our lives so we saw it best to just remain brothers even if we do have sex now and then but we won't truly mate. Not without Rafe.
Jake walked in the room and I could see in his eyes that he did not want me to do this but I can't deal with the pain any longer. "Are you ready bro?" He looked like he wasn't but I was and all I wanted was a normal life with peace and quiet even if its without my mate. "Let's get me married" I put on a smile and walked out hand in hand with my brother.
The hall was decorated with red and pink roses everywhere, there was a red carpet that led to the alter where the priest was waiting. All the chairs were white tied with pink ribbons and a red rose sat on the back of each chair. This was beautiful but I honestly did not take part in the planning of the wedding so even if I don't like it I just have to deal and get married cause at the end of the day what counts is the marriage and not the wedding day.
Everyone was seated and we were waiting for the bride to come. The band started playing and out came Alicia in her white dress. She looked beautiful, almost angel like, and she was led down by her father. She has a bright smile on her face and I had to force one out of myself and smile back. I took her hand in mine and helped her up the podium. The priest began the ceremony
"dearly beloved. We are gathered here to witness the joining of two souls in holy matrimony. William Ethariel Black has chosen Alicia Gabriella David to be his lawfully wife.
If there is anyone here with good reason as to why these two should not be joined, speak now or forever hold their piece"
There was an uncomfortable silence throughout the church, you could heat a about drop. No one stepped up and I key out a breath I did not know I was holding as there seemed to be no intruders
"well then let's continue... The couple has agreed to write their own vows so Alicia you go first"
Alicia looked me in the eyes and smiled at me. It was a genuine smile, one that help hope and friendship. She knew that there was no love here yet she chose to save me from misery.
"Will you have been nothing but a great friend, confidant and brother. You have always been there for me, you have cried with me, laughed with me and held me when I had nightmares at night. The support you have shown me had been nothing short of amazing. I am glad that today I can help you heal and cope as you have helped me for years. You are a gift to me and I will make sure that I spend everyday making you smile and this is a promise in front of all" when she finished there was a full blown smile on my face, I knew Alicia would take care of me no matter what and it made me happy to know that I was marrying my best friend of all time. I took a deep breath in and started my vows
"Alicia life has been cruel to both of us and today I am glad that we stand together to fix it. You have made me see the joy in just living and that I should be thankful for every breath that I take. After everything you are a person I believe I can grow with and even learn to love when the time comes. Today my best friend becomes my wife."
There were tears in her eyes and we both smiled at one another.
"That was beautiful. Now Alicia Gabriella David do you take William Ethariel Black to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer till death do you part?"
"I do"
"And do you William Ethariel Black take Alicia Gabriella David as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer til death do you part?"
"I.... "
"NO YOU DON'T!!!!"
I was hit by the most pleasant smell and the voice I never thought I would hear again. I looked to the door and there stood my mate..
. Cliffhanger..... I hope it is up to standard and phew Rafe arrived just in time to stop the wedding or did he?...... Thanks for reading
Love B

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