My pack!

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Rafe POV...
As soon as I stepped on pack land everyone, and I mean everyone, could tell that I was back. A wave of power surged through me as my ancestors welcomed me. I was at peace and I was in alpha mode. I knew that it wouldn't be long till Ethan came looking. I ran to the pack house and on my way looking to see what has changed, and shockingly nothing has physically changed, but the spirit of my pack was down. There were no pups running around, no mothers gathered in groups arranging play dates and not even the teenage wolves practicing. This place felt like a military camp or a cemetery. There was no laughter drifting with the wind, no warmth, not even the smell of baking. It was almost dead and that made my heart twitch in pain. As soon as I came close to the pack house I saw a line of warriors. They are all the warriors of the pack, they stood in a line as if preparing for a fight. Their eyes shifted uncomfortably when they saw me 'hmm it seems they recognize us Ares' 'yes it seems so Rafe. Maybe its due to the fact that they thought you were dead' Interesting. I looked at each and every one and with each passing glance I saw relief flash through their eyes. They were happy to see me but because they were trained well they didn't jump for joy. It was good cause it showed that my father did an excellent job in training them and I will be dammed if I let Ethan ruin that and the future of this pack. Speaking of the devil he decided to show his face. He was still as handsome as I remembered with his well sculptured face and defined jaw and those weaknesses of mine. His striking blue eyes. For a moment I wanted to submit to him, he always made me feel that way. He could arouse me in seconds and take control. I guess that's why I ran to him, he took all the control so I didn't have to deal with my problems nor have to deal with my emotions and I liked that actually I loved that. However loosing my memory was one thing that made me realize that I cannot run away from my problems or my life. With your memory gone you tend to feel lost and out of control and I don't want to feel that ever again. Ethan looked at me and smirked, but I saw the surprise in his gaze before he disguised it. "Well well well if it isn't the supposed to be dead little Rafe" He was taunting me and he knew which words to use but I've changed and I know he won't be expecting that. "Oh Ethan you disappoint me, weren't you told to always finish your food. You are such a lousy eater". His whole face went red and I literally saw the anger radiating off him. Ohhh I think I touched a nerve. "Give me what's mine Ethan and we won't have a problem or should I say I won't make a feast out of you". I smiled almost evil like and I knew that would send chills down everyone who saw me. What can I say I'm thinking evil now and I have never been one to hide my thoughts. "And what would that be little Rafe". Ares growled, he wanted to eat him and get it over and done with. I felt my alpha voice coming out and the growl shook the land beneath my feet. "My PACK!"
Ohkey dokey Rafe is mad real mad Anyhu please vote and share and comment.

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