Chapter 19: The meeting

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Will POV....

"My what?"
Larry was telling me how he had gone to my parents place, without my knowledge, and told everyone that he was my husband. Is he crazy, now my mates hate me even more than they initially did. How could he lie like that.
"Calm down Will. I have a plan"
Has he lost his mind. What kind of plan could this possibly be?
"Are you mad? What kind of plan is that? And why were you even there Larry?"
"First I'm not mad. Second my plan is to get you back with your mates Will, whether you want to admit it or not you need them and they need you. And thirdly I knew that you wouldn't allow me to go so I didn't tell you and I wanted to meet your family. Will I'm your best friend and I only want what is best for you, you are so sad and lonely and it shows"

He was right I have been lonely but I have Sammy now and she makes me happy.
"I have Sammy now Larry. She is all I need"
"Yes you do but she can't make you as happy as they can. She needs her daddy and her other papa in her life. You know how she gets when she asks about them."
Sammy has been bugging me ever since we came to America. She knows that my family is from here and she has been nagging me to take her to her other papa and her daddy. I'm just too ashamed to meet with them. What would I say, I walked out their lives and I can't just waltz in like nothing happened and now with the husband thing it does not help my case at all.
"Fine I'll meet them but I don't know if it's a good idea especially with the husband thing"
"Great! I'll go get Sammy and we will leave in a few minutes."
"Few minutes?"
"Yes your mom called and wanted to meet today so I said we would go over there in an hour."
We'll fuck me...

The ride seemed to be a short one. Sammy was so excited that she fell asleep in her car seat after 30 minutes on the road. The car was silent but my head was noisy with the million thoughts going through my head. What would my mates say, how would they react upon seeing me. I knew for one that I might not be able to hold in my emotions. The last time I saw my two mates I was walking out on them, rejecting them and now here I am going towards the only people who have held my heart all this while. Larry assured me that if it gets too much he would be my escape with him now being my husband and all. The driveway to my parents home came into view. It seems they haven't changed anything that much, the house is as I remember it. The sad thing is it is no longer my house.

My mother walked out first as I got out of the car. She ran to me and attacked me with a huge hug, and the dam wall broke as tears of longing poured out of my eyes. I missed her hugs and her scent. I missed my mom and for the first time in a year I am in her arms. Everything seems ok now, I don't have troubles.
"Damn you Will, why have you waited this long to return to us?"
She kept crying and all I could do was hold on tight. I didn't have the words to say or and excuse to give. This women raised me and she knew me well enough to know that I was a coward that ran out on his mates at the first sign of trouble. I ran out on the people that loved me the most and now it was time to face the music.
"I'll explain everything mom. I just need to put Sammy in a bed, she is sleeping uncomfortably in her car seat."
"OK honey. Take her to your old room it's still vacant."
"Thank you."

I took Sammy out of the car and walked into the house. As I passed the living I could smell my mates and I froze. The first person to look up was Rafe and from the look in his eyes....
My heart broke...


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