1 + important business

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Taehyung scans the huge crowd of people for his new target. His eyes follow a tall, but thin looking raven hair that looks really easy to bully. He walks towards the raven hair and pushes him inside an isle.

"Hello, little lamb," Taehyung whisper in his ears with his deep and husky voice,"would you like to be my punching bag for this year?"

The thick glasses prevents Taehyung from seeing the other's eyes, but the raven head didn't seem fazed at all.

"Give a reaction!"

This time, the raven head flinches and his body begins to shake in fear. Taehyung smirk in satisfaction, bullying always makes him feel so good. He grabs the raven hair by the bicep and tries to move him, but he wouldn't budge at all and somehow it felt muscular?

Embarrassed, Taehyung removes his hand on the raven hair and walks away, not before saying, "I'll remember your face."

The fact that he misses the smirk on the Raven hair's face is the reason why Taehyung regrets his life.


What an unexpected turn of event, the raven hair is actually his classmate. Taehyung walks towards his seat as he set his eyes on the Raven hair.

He sat down on his seat but his eyes are still on the Raven hair. Soon the bell rings, indicating that the class has started.

Taehyung learned that the Raven hair male is named Jungkook from the self-introduction.

A beautiful name for someone who looks like a fucking nerd.

When the bell rings once again, Taehyung stood up and march his way towards Jungkook.

"Jungkook, huh? What a nice name for such an ugly person," Taehyung slaps Jungkook's back hard. He thought Jungkook would tumble over and falls down but instead, his palm hurts from hitting Jungkook's back. Taehyung hides the pain and tries to trip Jungkook and he successfully did.

Jungkook lands face first onto the floor, he whimpers in pain while Taehyung stood there laughing at Jungkook.

"Serve you right."

No one helped Jungkook because they know, they know how scary Taehyung could actually be.

Blood trails down from Jungkook's nostrils down his chin. Jungkook stood up and quickly ran towards the nurse office which he remembers seeing when he tours around the school.

"What a fucking weakling," Taehyung spat out and stroll towards his next class.


Jungkook stayed after school for extra lectures. After getting tripped by Taehyung, his nose wouldn't stop bleeding and had to miss the majority of his class.

He closes his book and lies back into his chair, "I just wanted to have a normal school life and yet I can't."

In the corner of his eyes, he sees someone at the door with just their head poking out.

"Who's there?"

The person flinches and slowly show himself, "Hey...I just want to check up on my personal punching bag."

Taehyung slowly walk inside the empty classroom with a smirk on his face, "So how's your nose?"

"w-what are you d-doing here?" Jungkook stutters. Taehyung internally jumps in happiness when Jungkook stutters.

"Well...I told you didn't I? To check up you up."

Taehyung walks towards Jungkook and didn't notice the leg of a chair sticking out, he trips and falls into Jungkook embrace. At the same time, his fingers hook onto the frame of the glasses, pulling it down.

He widen his eyes when he got a closer look at Jungkook's face, it's handsome. And the muscular arms that wrap itself onto his waist isn't something he can ignore.


"Seems like you found out, well whatever," Jungkook sighs and then smirks, "But aren't we a little bit too eager?" Jungkook bites his lips and tightens his grip around Taehyung's waist.

Taehyung quickly looks down to hide the visible blush on his face with his bangs, "Was everything an act?" he asks.

"Well, I guess," Jungkook removes one of his hand around Taehyung's waist and rubs the back of his neck with the smirk still on his face,

"Kitten, sometimes things are better kept a secret. But since you found out.........there are some consequences."


Your legs are like Oreo, I want to split them and eat the good stuff in the middle


^ how jk look like without glasses and over-sized clothes

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^ how jk look like without glasses and over-sized clothes

^ how jk look like without glasses and over-sized clothes

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^ how Taehyung looks sucking a dick

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^ how Taehyung looks sucking a dick


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