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A pretty long chapter

"Eat mine."

"No! Taehyung eat mine!"

Having your cheeks stuff with food by two handsome guys beside you, aren't always the best thing.

While everyone's eyes are ravished by the two handsome guys beside Taehyung. Taehyung himself wasn't enjoying.

"Why did you have to change clothes, you guys are attracting unnecessary attention."

"Well, that's because I want them to know you are mine," the both of them said at the same time and continues to stuff food into Taehyung's mouth. Taehyung push their hands away and slam his palms on the table, "I'm not owed by anyone so fuck off," he gives them his middle finger and quickly runs away.

"It's your fault that he ran away," Jeongguk said as he glares at Jimin.

"No, It's your fault for being so forceful," Jimin fires back as the two handsome shoot laser at each other.


"Hey Namjoon," Taehyung said as he lies down on his belly on the seats. It was still lunchtime, Taehyung escaped from the two devils and went to bother his friend.

Even though it looks like Taehyung might be a loner, he still has some close friends he could talk to.

"Namjoon~" Taehyung whines as he lay his head on his arms and slightly tilt his head to the side, "play with me~"

Namjoon sighs and puts down his book, he glances at Taehyung and narrows his eyes, "I don't have time to play with you and...you seem a little bit different than before."

Taehyung flips around and covers his mouth as he yawns, "I do? How so?"

"You seem a little bit more mature?"

Taehyumg hums back as a reply and sits up, his hair was messy and his buttons were undone, "the bell's going to ring soon, I'm going back to class. Bye Joon." Namjoon gives him a little wave and goes back into reading his own book.

"Oh right, I forgot to tell Tae there's the midterm tomorrow."


Taehyung lays down on his desk and closes his eyes. His lips twitch up a little as the wind gently blows on him, giving him a cool breeze.

"Don't you think Taehyung looks different from usual?"

"He does! His messy hair, his loose, oversized button up that we have never seen worn by him, his seductive eyes, and the little sighs he gives off. He seems like a completely different person."

"Apparently he has a secret lover."

"Maybe the clothes he's wearing right now is from his lover's closet."

"They probably had sex." (people say having sex makes you seem sexier. #SEX_ED_withauthornim101)

Taehyung slowly opens his eyes as he stares at "his secret lover" coming through the door with his overrated nerd clothing. He glances at the two guys who are chit chatting about him through his long lashes, "and what if I did?" he said, startling the two of them. Taehyung stood up and lazily makes his way to the two guys, after all, it's fun to have sex and all that, but it's also tiring.

"Don't you think it's rude to talk about someone behind their back?" Taehyung ruffles his own messy hair and yawns again.

"Says the person who bullies people," one of the guy mumbles underneath his breath but Taehyung still heard it.

"Hmmm," Taehyung motion Jeongguk to come and he followed, Taehyung intertwines his finger into Jeongguk's necktie and pulls him into a kiss. He forces his tongue in and glances at the two guys, who gulp at the sight. Taehyung releases his finger on Jeongguk's tie and slightly tugs on his hair, pulling his head away," so what if I bully him? He still can get my lips unlike the two of you." (Jeongguk: exucji me, you're exposing me. LMFAO SORRY)

Jeongguk unnoticeably pinches Taehyung's inner thigh, causing him to let out a surprised moan. He quickly covers his mouth and glares at Jeongguk and then at the two guys who obviously seems sexually frustrated. Feeling somehow annoyed, he lightly steps on one of the guy's crotch area, which caused him to moan. It didn't hurt because Taehyung didn't step on it hard, but it did annoyed Taehyung even more.

To think that someone he barely knows is sexually frustrated because of him.

"Whatever!" He stomps his way back to his seat and plops down to his seat. Jeongguk quickly takes a seat right next to Taehyung and chuckles, he whispers, "wasn't that a great show, baby?"

Taehyung chooses to ignore Jeongguk and lays down on his arms, shoving his face into his arms.

Jimin walks into the class, confused. Taehyung's face was implanted into his arms while his ears are bright red and Jeongguk is unconsciously smiling at the adorable Taehyung. And it did make Jimin's mind wavered a little bit.

"What if Jeongguk really changed?"

My news feed is so empty these days

Life is so hard. How do I love myself when there's really nothing to love about

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