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It's 4 am right now. I'm dying.

I need Holy water. This book needs holy water.

"No! That's...not what it looks like," Taehyung mumbles the last part of the sentence.

"Then what," Jungkook asks and crosses his arms.

"My daddy...no my dad spoils me a lot and wants me to call him daddy..." Taehyung looks away in shame, his whole face was probably red already.

Jungkook let out a huff of air that he himself didn't realize he had, "if I spoil you, would you call me daddy?"

Taehyung look at him with disgust,"what kind of question is that?"

"Never mind. Let's go," Jungkook leaves the car and Taehyung follows after him. Jungkook leads Taehyung to a huge building, the camera located on the top scans Jungkook's face and automatically opens the door for him.

Taehyung had his mouth wide open and eyes enlarged. Jungkook glances at Taehyung, "You look like a lost puppy."

"Shut up!" Taehyung glares at him.

"Wow, now you look like an angry puppy."

Taehyung shove Jungkook through the entrance, "Get going already!"

Jungkook presses the button to the top floor of the building. Shivers travel up Taehyung's spine as the cool AC air blows on him, the two of them are the only ones in the elevator. Jungkook slowly makes his way to the oblivious Taehyung who's looking around at the huge elevator. Once he's near enough, he blows on Taehyung's ear and whisper, " Elevator sex is pretty sexy. Do you want to try it with me, baby boy?"

Taehyung gasps and quickly cover his ears in embarrassment, "Jeon what the fuck?"

Jungkook lean back to the elevator wall and smirks, "Is that your favorite phase right now?"

When Taehyung was about to reply back, the loud beeping from the elevator interrupts his sentence.

"Well, let's go," Jungkook said and walks out of the elevator with Taehyung strolling right behind him.

The two of them stop in front of a black door that read "Jeon's"

Jungkook types in the password and the door opens by itself.

"Go on," Jungkook encourages him and lightly push Taehyung in with a smirk.

Everything seems so foreign to Taehyung, the apartment was huge, a bit too huge for someone who lived alone.

Taehyung's eyes travel around the apartment and are astonished by the beauty. But it was way too plain for his liking. It was pretty empty, there weren't any pieces of furniture at all, expect for a sofa and a lamp in the middle of the huge living room. There wasn't even a TV in the living room.

Jungkook's eyes darken as he looks at Taehyung with lust. He grabs onto Taehyung's wrist, pulling him towards the sofa and pushing him down. Jungkook slides his knee in between Taehyung's legs as he breathes heavily on Taehyung's skin.


Instead of replying, Jungkook captures Taehyung's lips.

"J-Jeon!" Taehyung stutters and attempts to push Jungkook away," that was my...f-first kiss."

"I'm glad," Jungkook breaths against Taehyung's neck. He starts with little kitten licks then soon it turns into sucking. Then the sucking turns into nipping and biting.

"It hurts!" Taehyung screams and pushes Jungkook's head away.

"Beautiful," he mumbles as he takes a closer look at the bruised neck. The bite mark was deep and the imprinting of the mark is completing identical to Jungkook's bunny teeth. (tHaT wAs WeIrD)

Taehyung blushes at Jungkook's remark and shyly cover his neck. However, Jungkook didn't let him, he presses both of Taehyung's wrist down on besides Taehyung's head and admires the mark.

"Don't cover it, it's beautiful," Jungkook said.

"O-okay," Taehyung tilts his head towards the side, fully revealing the mark.

It turns Jungkook on so fucking much. The cocky ass Taehyung during the day is squirming under him during the night.

Feeling satisfied, Jungkook stopped putting strength on his arms and falls down on top of Taehyung.

"Get off me, you're so heavy," Taehyung demands.

"Nope, they say muscles weight heavier than fat so, not my fault," Jungkook closes his eyes and kisses Taehyung's check. Taehyung huffs in annoyance but didn't bother to reply since he loves the heat he's receiving.

The two of them silently lay on the huge sofa that's almost as big as Taehyung's own bed and soon falling into deep slumber.

Was Going to write smut but I got lazy

Police: where do you live

Taehyung: with my members

Police: where do your members live

Taehyung: with me

Police: where do you all live?

Taehyung: together

Police: where is you house

Taehyung: next to my neighbor

Police: where is your neighbor's house

Taehyung: you won't believe me if I tell you

Police: tell me!

Taehyung: next to my house

Police: ....

Jungkook: hello, is this the police? I'm here to pick up my stupid ass boyfriend who got lost.

Police: Thank god.


I fucking love the concept of Sugar Daddy Jeon and Sugar baby Tae.

And omlllll


Clap clap

Clap clapWooohoo

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