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Short asf fluff CUZ fluff is Good and fluff is nice. Fluffy plot makes the fluffiness better. Fluff fluff fluff fluff I don't even make sense now.

Taehyung slowly bats his eyes open, the unbelievable pain on his lower back and the arm around his waist definitely screams that yesterday wasn't a dream. But he couldn't remember most of the part anyway. All he knew is, they fucked. It was his first time. And it felt good.

"Jeongguk," he mumbles and slightly shakes the younger. Hearing no reply, he once again calls his name,"Jeongguk!"

Nope. Nothing at all.

Taehyung bites his lower lips and stutters the next word out," d-da-dad-daddy?" This was the first time he called Jeongguk 'Daddy' during the day.

Jeongguk opens one of his eyes and looks down at Taehyung," hmm?" He glances at the clock, it was too early for them to wake up so he hugs Taehyung's tighter, "sleep, it's still too early."


Taehyung once again slowly bat his eyes open but then time there wasn't an arm around him.

He jolts up and looks around the room. Jeongguk was in his walk in closet, buttoning up a white shirt. Taehyung throws the blanket off of him, not caring if he's naked or anything and quickly stood up.

But that certainly did not go his way. His legs weren't strong enough and wobble to the point he falls down to the floor, hard.

Jeongguk heard the loud sound and hurriedly rush to Taehyung," baby, are you okay?" He asks with worried lace in his tone.

Taehyung didn't even bother answering the question as he looks up at Jeongguk with his wavering pupil and clutches tight onto Jeongguk's shirt," w-where are you go-going?"

Jeongguk couldn't help but coo at the sight. It was adorable.

But a slight part of him still feels so damn proud to get ignorant Taehyung under his control in just a few days.

"You're not fair, Taehyung," he mumbles as he covers his eyes. Taehyung cock his head to the side in confusion," what?"

"No, it's nothing," Jeongguk lifts Taehyung up, bridal style and gentle place him on the bed.

"You're not leaving me, right!?" Taehyung questions and tightly hugs Jeongguk's arm, not letting go at all.

Jeongguk places a light peck on Taehyung's forehead and slowly removes his arm, "of course I'm not, I'm just putting some clothes on and this is my apartment anyway."

Taehyung suddenly relaxes as everything process into his mind and he lets go of Jeongguk.

"But," Jeongguk's eyes darkens," if you keep staying like that, I might wreak you even more."

Taehyung suddenly remembers that's he's naked and blushes, "never mind what I said, get out!" He pulls the blanket over himself and throws pillows at Jeongguk.

"Alright, alright. Choose any clothes from my closet, I'll be waiting outside," Jeongguk said as he blocks himself from the flying pillow and slowly makes his way out of the room.

Jeongguk dresses up as a girl only for Taehyung. Taehyung is straight asf and falls in love with Jeongguk. Taehyung finds out Jeongguk is a guy and rejects him. Jeongguk forces Taehyung to have sex with him and fucks him. While fucking Taehyung, Taehyung pulls off Jeongguk's wig off, finding out that Jeongguk looks so much better without the wig.

And bam they cum.

What a great one shot.

(Plot From a manga, forgot the name)

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