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"Taehyung," Jeongguk calls out as the latter rushes out the door after class finished, "where are you going!"

"To find Yoongi!"

Jeongguk grabs him by the wrist, pulling and turning Taehyung into his embrace. He rests his other hand on the dips of Taehyung's waist to prevent him from wiggling out of his hold, "why? Why do you care so much? Do you...do you love him?" He asks, feeling bitter saying the last sentence.

"Jeongguk, you don't know! Yoongi is my only friend in this shitty ass school, of course, I love him!" He chews on his bottom lips vigorously as he refuses to meet Jeongguk's eyes," He- I- I need to explain to him."

"He's with Jimin right now. They ditched school."

A look of surprise flashes across Taehyung's face, "Yoongi actually let someone take him?"

Jeongguk removes his hand around Taehyung's wrist but still held a tight hold on his waist with his other hand, he takes out his phone and shows him a picture of Yoongi.

His precious best friend that is smiling at the camera so brightly (his heart hurts a little from seeing somebody else making him so happy, but he wasn't going to tell Jeongguk that.)

"Jimin send me this 10 mins ago, you don't have to worry," Jeongguk said as he releases his hold on a Taehyung, seeing him calm down a little.



"Are you going to be lonely?"

Is he going to be lonely?


Who else does he have aside from Yoongi? And now he's being taken away.

Oh. Right.


"Yeah, baby?" He breathes out as he gentle sweep Taehyung's bangs away.

"I'm not lonely."

He fondly smiles at him, "I see."

Taehyung wraps his arms around Jeongguk's neck as he inhales the sweet perfume that he has on, "hold me, make me yours."

Jeongguk gentle lays Taehyung onto the bed as if he's glass and would break easily if careless. He peppers soft kisses all over Taehyung's face while unbuttoning his shirt one by one. A gasp leaves Taehyung's lip as Jeongguk pinches one of his buds and fondles it, "please..." he trails, eyes tearing as he stares up at Jeongguk.

"Please? Please what, baby?"

"Please touch me..."

Jeongguk raises his brows as he looks down at where his hands are, on Taehyung's body, "but I am touching you."

"Please touch me properly!" Taehyung screams in frustration and grabs Jeongguk's collars, pulling him down for a kiss. Jeongguk smirks into the kiss as he bites down on Taehyung's bottom lips, hard. But soft enough to not break the skin.

"Yeah? You want that?" He pants out, a little bit out of breath from the kiss and excitement. Taehyung didn't reply but nods his head in agreement.

Jeongguk reaches towards his bed stand and pulls out a bottle of lube and condom. He pops the cap open and spills some lube onto his fingers, warming them up before circling his middle finger around Taehyung's rim.

"Ready?" Jeongguk asks as he looks up at Taehyung with his sinful smirk and without waiting for a reply, he thrusts his finger in. Taehyung jolts in response to the pain spreading throughout his body.

"Hey, easy," Jeongguk whispers and presses onto Taehyung's stomach to force him to stabilize. He begins to move his finger in an in-out motion, slowly but steady. And in no time, Jeongguk insert a second finger, scissoring Taehyung's hole open, "you okay there?"

Taehyung opens his squeezed eyes and nods his head but once Jeongguk inserts the third finger, pain morphs onto Taehyung's face. Taehyung clutches onto the white bed sheet as an alternate for Jeongguk's back but the need to hold something in his arms increases every second.

When Jeongguk finally moves up to eye level with Taehyung, his arms immediately wraps around Jeongguk's broad shoulder and over his back, clawing the skin the moment his fingers touched. Jeongguk processes to rip the condom pack open with Taehyung clinging to him but was snatched away by Taehyung. "wanna feel you," he said.

Jeongguk positions his tip on Taehyung's rim as he leans down and kisses the daylight out of Taehyung to distract him from the pain. He inserts himself slowly and groans when he bottoms out. After letting Taehyung adjust to his size, he starts to move slowly, picking up the pace every time he slides out. And in no time, all they can hear is the wanton moans coming out of Taehyung's lips and the smacking of skin.

"You're so tight," Jeongguk moans as Taehyung squeezes him when he hits his prostate, "So tight for me, baby."

"All y-yours, daddy."

Taehyung is so beautiful, as he always is. So strong and depended. But once again, he was the standing pillar for Yoongi. Who is his standing pillar then? When his parents are always out of the city and no sibling? Jeongguk wants to fill that role forever and ever.

Jeongguk caresses Taehyung's cheek with his thumb and leans down to kiss him.

A kiss on the forehead, "I love you."

A kiss on the nose, "I love you."

And finally a kiss on the lip, "I love you," he breathes against Taehyung's lips, still thrusting deeply into him.


Jeongguk reaches down and grabs Taehyung's member, pumping it up and down.

"I l-love you too" Taehyung screams as white ropes of cum spatter against their abdominals. When Jeongguk hears those words, a burning feeling explodes across his heart. He grunts as he gives a final thrust and paints Taehyung's walls white.

With no strength left, Jeongguk collapse onto Taehyung, "I love you," he whispers.

"I love you too," Taehyung smiles and peck Jeongguk's forehead despite the sweat.

and that's the end of the story. For real.

Final thoughts: shitty book 1/10

Ps. you know how chapter 7 is deleted? I have no idea what i wrote so...I can't rewrite it wth

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