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Taehyung scans the huge crowd of people for his new target. His eyes follow a tall, but thin looking raven hair that looks really easy to bully. He walks towards the raven hair and pushes him inside an isle.

"Hello, little lamb," Taehyung whisper in his ears with his deep and husky voice,"would you like to be my punching bag for this year?"

The thick glasses prevents Taehyung from seeing the other's eyes, but the raven head didn't seem fazed at all.

"Give a reaction!"

This time, the raven head flinches and his body begins to shake in fear. Taehyung smirk in satisfaction, bullying always makes him feel so good. He grabs the raven hair by the bicep and tries to move him, but he wouldn't budge at all and somehow it felt muscular?

Embarrassed, Taehyung removes his hand on the raven hair and walks away, not before saying, "I'll remember your face."

The fact that he misses the smirk on the Raven hair's face is the reason why Taehyung regrets his life.


Taehyung was starting his second year of high school, a new year for a new target. He scans the crowds of freshies that seems to be so hyped up to go to school. He smirks, much would they regret going to this school if he has his eyes on them. 

Upon scanning the whole crowd, a boy with thick glasses and full bang that cover his whole forehead caught his attention. His sweater a little bit too big on his body which gave him a lanky appearance. Taehyung's eyes follow the raven-haired and watch his every move and when the latter trips on literally nothing, he knows it's time for him to make an appearance. 

He squeezes his way through the crowd before anyone could get to the boy and quickly offer him a hand, "are you okay?" he asks with a grin on his face. 

"yea.." the boy replies, accepting the hand that Taehyung offered him. When he tries to help the boy get up, Taehyung had to concede a big 'oof' when he almost lost his balance. Surprising, he was heavy despite looking so timid and tiny.

"Hey, I can show you around if you want," Taehyung proposes, his eyes glinting with danger and playfulness that went unnoticed by the other male.

"Sure, um..."

"Taehyung, Kim Taehyung," he said with a cunning smile. 

"I-I'm Jeon Jeongguk."

to be cont... zzzz (?)

idk if you guys like my new style, it's more descriptive? and probably more word count too. and thank you for all the supportive comments  <33

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