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thank you for the people who stayed for this book, thank you for 100k+ reads and sorry for the late asf update


The blinding blonde haired male glances around the classroom with his piercing cold eyes. He furrows his eyebrows when he sees two new students that he hadn't seen before.

A hot, muscular, coconut-shaped hair dude and a fucking nerd with a damn creepy smile on his face.

"The fuck," he mumbles and then glances at Taehyung, who was hiding behind the coconut dude. He irks one eyebrow up in confusion and stomps his way towards the brunette.

"Taehyung?" Yoongi questions as he stares down at the brunette, who seems like a completely different person than what he remember him to be. And the weak Taehyung wasn't the one he remembered.

He starts to feel his blood boiling in anger and harshly grabs Taehyung's collar, "what's this?! You were supposed to be strong, independent and beautiful." A look of disappointment flashes onto his face and in a softer tone, he asks, "who changed you?"

The disappointing look reverts back to anger and without any warning, he punches Taehyung in the face, "I'm so fucking disappointed."

To say Jeongguk was furious was an understand statement, he felt the blood in his vein boiling and it took his everything to not slam the blonde male against the floor. But he controls himself and grabs onto Yoongi's wrist, pulling it away from Taehyung's collar, "Who are you," he asked as he glared daggers into Yoongi.

The blonde snatches his wrist away and rubs it softly to ease the pain, "Someone you don't need to know, " he snarls. Jimin suddenly stands up and grabs Yoongi's wrist, causing him to flinch and tries to remove his wrist. But Jimin isn't some weak nerd, in fact, he was the exact opposite.

"Why. The. Fuck," Yoongi groans as he tries to remove the tight grip around his wrist, " Is a fucking nerd this strong."

Jimin leans in and examines Yoongi's face, the corner of his lips croak up into an evil smile. Being so close to the so call nerd, Yoongi could see how plump his lips were and how kissable it is.

"Come with me," Jimin said as he pulls Yoongi out of the door, leaving the class dazed at what just happened.

"He just exposed himself," Jeongguk mumbles and worriedly glances at Taehyung. He engulfed Taehyung's small face with his hands and pecks his bruised lip, "Do you need to go to the nurse office."

"No," Taehyung coldly replies, causing Jeongguk to furrow his brows together at Taehyung's weird behavior.


"What do you want!" Yoongi fumes and whines at the pain Jimin is giving him. The said male suddenly stop walking, causing Yoongi to bump into his muscular back.

"You," Jimin said as he turns around, "I want Min Yoongi."

Yoongi widens his eyes when his full name was said by a total stranger, "H-How do you k-know my real name?"

"I looked Taehyung up since he will probably marry into our family and somehow you showed up as his close friend. You had depression, social anxiety and abused by your parents. You're broken inside, that's why you decide to break other people. Taehyung was the only one you had, the only one who you can depend on. But he changed and now you have no one. "

"Shut up! Shut up! Stop!" Yoongi screams as he grabs his hair in frustration, the memories are seeping back into his brain, the unwanted memories that he was trying his best to hide.

"Look at me!" Jimin demands as he grabs Yoongi's chin, "I pity you."

Those were the three words that Yoongi never wanted to hear, it made him feel weak and useless. Tears that he didn't know that exist starts flowing down his cheeks.

"I'll fix you."

And those were the three words that he was looking for.

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