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Taehyung smiles brightly as he clutches on his test paper, he looks at Namjoon who was smiling back at him," this is the first time I got full marks on my exams!"

Namjoon ruffles Taehyung hair and settled his lunch on the table," good job."

Someone sudden grabs Namjoon's wrist and pulls it away from Taehyung's head. Namjoon was surprised but that quickly changes into confusion,"Who are you? I haven't seen you in this school at all."

"Ah...." Jeongguk points at Taehyung and smiles," I'm his da-"

"FRIEND," Taehyung cuts him off," he's a friend...ummm his name is Jeon Nochu." (Le dies, I can't think of anything else)

Namjoon chuckles and holds a hand out for Jeongguk to hold," Wasn't there a kid that just transfer here also named Jeon? What a unique name. My name is Kim Namjoon, nice to meet you."

Jeongguk accepts Namjoon's hand and gives it a little shake before turning to Taehyung," how's your test?"

"I got a full mark! Thank you so much!" Taehyung said and went straight into hugging Jeongguk, surprising him at the same time.

"You helped Taehyung to study?" Namjoon asks. Once the words travel to Taehyung's ears, a light blush spreads through his cheeks.

Seeing this, the corner of Jeongguk's mouth tugs up and whisper, "Why don't you tell him the method that I use on you to help you study?" Taehyung pulls away, he blushes and kicks Jeongguk's leg, "I hate you, don't talk to me."

Taehyung crosses his arm and plops down next to Namjoon while Jeongguk sat on the opposite side of them. Taehyung stuffs food into his mouth when he suddenly remembers something," Nuchu, whewe is geemwin?" he said with his mouth full.

Jeongguk entwine his own hands together and places it in front of his mouth, "Why do you want to know?" (i tried searching up 'Jeongguk holding hand' and all I found was taekook holding hands, this too !1!!!1)

Jeongguk entwine his own hands together and places it in front of his mouth, "Why do you want to know?" (i tried searching up 'Jeongguk holding hand' and all I found was taekook holding hands, this too !1!!!1)

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Taehyung gulps down his food and nervously look into Jeongguk's eyes, "I need to ask him something

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Taehyung gulps down his food and nervously look into Jeongguk's eyes, "I need to ask him something." Jeongguk's eyes turn unbelievable dark as he stares into Taehyung's eyes, "no," he replies.

A sudden pressure places itself around Taehyung's neck, causing him to flinch in reflex.

"Why so possessive, cousin?" Jimin said as he kisses Taehyung's hair, that one movement cause Jeongguk to frown and glare at Jimin with his dangerous eyes.

"Oh look, another handsome fellow that I haven't seen in this school," Namjoon mumbles under his breath.

"So what did you have to tell me, Taehyungie?" Jimin asks with a mocking smirk while glaring back at Jeongguk. Taehyung tugs Jimin's shirt, telling him to bend down which he did and whisper, "Can we talk about this in the bathroom," he mumbles and glances at the furious Jeongguk.

"Sure, let's go."

Taehyung stood up, waving a good bye to Namjoon and walks towards the exit. But Jeongguk stopped them, "Chim," his voice was an octave lower than usual, "I'm warning you."

Jimin shrugs his shoulder and walks to the nearby bathroom along with Taehyung.

Meanwhile, the two males awkwardly sit at the table. Namjoon is just eating his food and reading his book, Jeongguk is just sitting there, doing nothing.


"So what did you have to tell me," Jimin ask as they arrive at the bathroom, "to have sex with me?"

"No! Of course not!"

Taehyung blushes and looks at his shoe as if it's the most interesting thing, "I want to thank Jeongguk for helping me..."

Jimin fondly smiles at the adorable brunette, "hmm, I have something for you," he takes out a little brown bag from his pocket, "I wanted to try this myself but here you go!"


Long a/n

This book is going to contain Yoonmin and "Rival" will contain Yoonseok. Sorry if you wanted Yoonseok in this book, but after all that's only a side ship.

Next chapter will be the smut chapter in which I asked everyone to vote for. And also the last chapter before I go into a small break from writing. ill prob upload it this week-

I feel like my writing is getting worse and worse. I'm really sorry so please tell me if there's any way I can improve my writing.

I know I've been holding off for "Milk" but I'm trying so please understand.

Thank you for reading


A meme lord can't leave without a meme(or two)

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A meme lord can't leave without a meme(or two)

A meme lord can't leave without a meme(or two)

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