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"Fix me," Yoongi scoffs as he glares at the male in front him, "and how are you gonna do that?"

Jimin only smiled, grabbing Yoongi's wrist once again and grab him out of the empty hallway. Yoongi knew he couldn't escape the tight grip so he just follows along.

"We're going on an adventure," Jimin said as he continues to pull Yoongi towards the staircase, they hop down the stairs and rush to the back of the school where the other exit is located. Jimin releases his hold on Yoongi, and just maybe, Yoongi tried and reach for Jimin's warm hand again but held back.

"Let's run away," Jimin smiles as he wraps his hands around the metal bars and pulls himself over the fence, " just this once."

Yoongi raises his brows, "and you expect me to go with you?"

Jimin smiles, showing his teeth with one crooked front tooth that looks adorable in every way and his eyes disappear behind his thick eyelids, "yes!"

How could Yoongi reject something like that? A person who is willing to fix someone as broken as him.

"Don't fix me."

The smile slowly fades away from Jimin as he tilts his head to the side, "huh?"

"Please just accept me," Yoongi begs, tears pooling under his eyes, "I just need someone to tell me, I'm fine, I'm worthy and precious of their time. Just please..."

He retreats back from the gate, which made Jimin think he was going to run away but instead of running away, Yoongi sprints and leaps over the gate. He doesn't know why. He doesn't why he trusts someone he just met. Jimin was the second person to reach out to him but he is the first person to ever say those words to him.

And maybe, just maybe, he can hand his fragile and broken heart to this stranger he barely knew. Yoongi was tired and need someone to lean on.

"I'm Park Jimin," the silver-haired male said as he holds out his hand.

"Min Yoongi," he replies and accepts Jimin's hand.

Jimin tightens his grip around Yoongi, "I'll hold it on tight," he stares into Yoongi's eyes with his own unwavering eyes, "and hopefully, you'll hold on to mines as well."


Little Jimin looks up since he's crouching down, he sees a boy with short raven hair and pale complex holding a bread in his hand.

"For you,"The boy said as he throws the bread at Jimin, "You look hungry, so I'm giving it to you."

Yes, Jimin is hungry and lost, away from his father. But the boy looked way worse than him. Dirt platters around his face, arms, and legs thin as a stick. But he was willing to give even when he barely had any.

"T-thank you," he said but it was inaudible to the boy.

"Min Yoongi! You little shit," a woman around mid-twenties stomps her way to the boy and smacks her hand across his cheeks, "Don't fucking run away with food again!"

"Yes mama," he replies, holding his reddening cheeks as he follows his mom trail, but not before he gives a small wave to Jimin.

"Min Yoongi," Jimin mumbles to himself as he holds the bread closer.

oof im sorry its short

Hes such a baby

Hes such a baby

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