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Becuz after smut there's always fluff

"Jeongguk, move your head a little bit to the left, I can't see!" Taehyung whines and of course, Jeongguk obeyed. He tilts his head to the left, letting Taehyung stare at himself in the mirror.

Once Taehyung has a better view of himself, he starts to brush his teeth back and forth, laying his chin on Jeongguk's shoulder.

"You're really heavy," Jeongguk mumbles and spits out the water in his mouth along with the toothpaste.

"Shadup," Taehyung manage to pronounce as he motion Jeongguk to pass him the cup. After spitting out the water, he wipes the remaining substance left on Jeongguk's shirt," you did this so take responsibility."

"Hey, you're the one who decides to take the drug."

"Jimin told me to," Taehyung mumbles and places his chin on the other side of Jeongguk's shoulder," I wouldn't mind trying it again though," he shyly blush and nuzzles his face into Jeongguk's shoulder.

Jeongguk places his hands on both sides of Taehyung's smooth thighs and gives a little jump. Taehyung screech in surprise, shutting his eyes close and wraps his arm around Jeongguk's neck," No. it's not good for your body. Now let's get dress up for school," he slaps Taehyung butt, causing Taehyung to let out a scream of pain.


Jeongguk grins in front of 32 people including Jimin, "Hello, I'll be staying here today to take care of Taehyung since he hurt his back, please take care of me," he gives a small bow to his lovestruck classmates who couldn't stop staring at him with loving eyes.

He carries Taehyung to an empty seat as everyone stares at the two of them. Jeongguk sits down onto the seat and carefully places Taehyung on his lap. Once they settle down, the teacher starts calling attendance one by one. Everything was going perfectly until "Jeon Jeongguk" called.

"Jeon Jeongguk?" The teacher calls out but no body respond, "that's weird, he's usually always here." After finish the attendance, the class quickly starts and everyone focuses back to the front of the class, not at Jeongguk.

Jimin slides his seat over and whispers so only the two of them can hear, "how was it, did Jeongguk give it to you nice and rough?" Taehyung felt heat racing up his cheeks as he hides his face in Jeongguk's chest.

Jeongguk pinches Jimin's thigh, "yes, I fucked him nice and rough but don't give him anymore drug."

Just when Jimin is going to respond, the door slam open. (okay but, dRaMA)

Taehyung widens his eyes and quickly scurries off of Jeongguk despite the pain in his back, he hides his body behind the Jeongguk's enormous body and tightly clinches onto Jeongguk's shirt, giving Jeongguk a small whine of protest.

On the other hand, Jimin's eyes twinkle twice as much as before even though the thick glasses he had is blocking his eyes. But the huge, wicked smile on his face gives it all away.


Sex ed with me


Guys can't pee while hard because there's a muscle that closes off the tube where urine comes out.

Guys can't pee while hard because there's a muscle that closes off the tube where urine comes out

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I guess people like the third option more

BUT SHOULD I WRITE IT!1!1!1!1!1! ?

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