Enemies With Benefits

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  • Dedicated to Mariah M.

4th Grade

“Selena Brians please come to the office.” The intercom called. I happily skipped down and collected my roses.

“And happy birthday.” The secretary smiled.

“Thank you.” I smiled back. I skipped back to glass and waited for the bell to ring. I was 10! Finally! Double digits!

After the bell rang I went and waited for my mom. “Is it your birthday?” Ms. Romero, one of the nicest teachers asked. “Yes.”

“Well happy birthday! Hey you know Kevin? Its his birthday too!” I smiled and climbed in my car. Who’s Kevin? Is he that blonde tall guy? Maybe. I let it slide.

5th Grade

It was true. We had the same birthday. He was cute so I thought ‘hey, its not that bad.’ boy was I wrong!

On our birthday the fight began in the morning. Before school. We were in the same class. I mean yes, I had a slight crush on him but it didn’t matter.

“We have the same birthday.” He said. “Yeah but I’m turning 11. And I’m more special.” I joked. “No I am cuz’ I was born first.” “No I am cuz’ I’m a girl.”

Then that’s what triggered our fights. He brought his friends into it. Always on his side. Everyone, because he was hot I mean of course you’re going to be on the same side as the hot guy. People were so easy.

6th Grade

This year was different. I was going to avoid him. After fighting for two years you hope it stops.

Scar smiled at me and asked "loud or quiet?" "loud..?" I said.

She sang me happy birthday in her beautiful voice. I awed and gave her a squealing hug.

"Its your birthday?" Jonathan -a jock- asked.

"Yeah." "Oh its Kevins too." "I know." I shifted uncomfortably.

After a while Jonathan went into the street to retrieve a dollar. "Guys I found a dollar!" He laughed.

He walked up to me and said "Here. Happy birthday." I smiled and laughed with Scar. Jonathan went to the giant group of jocks that sang to Kevin. It made me sad but I was happy with just Scar's alone.

I was planning on saying ‘Happy Birthday.’ like everybody else. But he wouldn’t- allow me to. Well not really. Well look, I went up to say it and he started laughing.

“Everyone keeps telling me ‘Happy Birthday’. I’m sure you have only a few.” He laughs.

“What no!” I yelled. His friend Jason popped up from behind.

“We got the whole class to sing it to him.”

“So…” I said and entered math. I had math with Kevin.

“Okay class before we get started we have a birthday to sing for. 1, 2, 3. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Kevin,”

“And Selena!” My best friend yelled but no one heard her.

“Birthday to you.” The teacher finished.

“Its also Selena’s!” My best friend, Scarlet, said.

“Oh! Really? Well sorry Selena!” She said and sang again but saying “Selena and Kevin” Instead. Wow what a difference he gets his twice. Ugh. Kevin laughed and I knew he was just rubbing it in. Don’t cry. Just deal. Its your birthday, you’ll be fine..

After class Scarlet hugged me and smiled. Her black skirt and shirt stretching out.

“Thanks.” I smiled.

“No problem. Hope you have a better day.” She said scuffing her combat boots and walking off. Yeah she was kinda goth but I loved her cuz’ we were total opposites. I’m trendy and she loves black. I love her no matter what. She always made me feel better.

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