Secrets to Reveal

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Nothing happened in 5th hour. But that doesn't mean today wasn't shocking and amazing. I was at Bella's locker, she needed someone to sit with at lunch. Since she partially helped (as in said but never really got through) some kids stop bullying me. So I said yes. I saw Jade a few lockers down. I waved. I pointed behind me casually to tell her Kevin was behind me.

I turned around and Kevin's eyes were on me then dropped quickly. I turned around just as fast. "He was staring at me!" I mouthed. Bella was too busy tearing up her thing she calls a locker.

She mouthed something back and soon I found out she mouthed, "Why are you eating lunch with a bitch?"

She eventually whipered it to me and I shrugged and rolled my eyes.

After school I was sitting with Skylar. "Hey." I waved. "Hi." She said walking away. I follwed the few steps. "Oh sorry did you say hi?!" She laughed. I saw Kevin from the corner of my eye.

His gray T-shirt making him look adorable.

"Yeah I was all hey." I said reacting my waving. But it was pointed to Kevin. He looked and I dropped my hand and looked like I was always in the conversation.

Then he says some random things to Sky that I thought was an offset of a conversation earlier. (A/N: Cant remember but it was random!)

"Do you even know what we're talking about?" Skylar says. "Its a secret." He says and laughs walking home.

Wow he's so weird yet cute.

*Next Day

I was just online. Like every other teenager on Saturday. I found this baby dressed up in Steelers clothes. (A/N: Pic to the right!) Kevin loves the Steelers! This will be Haden! Ha thinking of the name Haden still reminds me of that day we picked out names for our babies like retards!

I was messaging my friend Anna. She was on of the add-on's of the husband thing.

You: yeah but wait until he can walk he'll b golfing and playing football with his dad in no time lol   Anna: kevin said if he has a son he wont be playing foot ball   You: WHY Anna: kevin doesnt like to play it its weird we are closer than people think You: O-e I thought he liked football?   Anna: he likes to watch but not playing he is golf all the way   You: Well I deff knew that. but i didn't knw that well now i know more about my husband. Anything else I should know? Anna: i know lots he is one of my best friends oh and im not supposed to tell anyone so dont say anything I told you cuz you really like him You: ur not supposed to tell anyone that his son isn't going to play football? I wont but i dont get why   Anna: no his dad wants him to play football and kevin hates the idea   You: Oh...Awe poor thing I want to hug him now. I wont tell swear And I logged off. His dad makes him play football? I mean I know he loves golf but- Wow and he's also on the A-honor roll everytime. I thought I had a hard life, but turns out he does too. I can't believe I didn't see this. I'm so stupid. I'm crossed between wanting to hug him and wanting to know more. We'd be so perfect... I shut down my laptop and fell back onto my bed. "He's never going to date me." I sighed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bit of a boring chapter but I knew I'd forget about this so I had to post it. Possible update monday! <3

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