This Cannot Be Happening...

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Brace yourself; I didn't



"Dude she likes you." I said. "No she doesn't!" "Yes she does dude you two are just like ugh!" I yelled at Kevin and stalked off. The day these two get together I will laugh and yell 'I told you so' in Kevin's face.


Your heart is a place to draw true happiness.

Please Facebook stop with the creepy fortunes do you stalk me now? Ha funny. He could be my true happiness you'll never know!

I was at lunch. Another boring 5th hour. I saw all my 8th grade friends rush over to Scar. She was alone. Oh no that's not too good of a sign.

"Hey Mary and Jacob went over to Kevin and-" Sky starts "Yeah um tell me later." I said running to Scar. "What'd I miss?"

"Seth dumped me." She frowned. She wasn't too tore up. I saw Kevin leaving her earlier. "What'd my husband say?" "He said he'd beat up Seth." She laughed.

"Ah see he's so sweet." Then Sky comes up to me. "You didn't hear it from me but Mia saw Mary and Jacob go up and tell Kevin you like him. Then she told me." I grabbed my hair in my hands, "This cannot be happening!" I ask Mia what he said. "I didn't hear his reaction." "REALLY?!" I yell stalking off to 6th hour.

Jade calms me down, "Dude he's always like she doesn't like me. Just like you." "Awe! How adorable.." {A/N: I am not bipolar it made me feel better}

She nodded then let me calm down.

In 7th hour I asked Mary about it. "Mary so what'd you say to him?" Before she could answer another girl yelled -yes effin yelled!- "Dude! Kevin Brooks doesn't even like me and I'm a whole lot prettier than

you!" This made my self-esteem drop and my anger build up. "What'd you say?" I managed to say.

"I don't know me and Alina were just talking to him then you came up and I don't know." she said quickly. "How do you not know?!" Seriously?! This is the worst last week of school ever!! I freakin swear!

"I don't know." She said and turned around. I sighed and worried all of 7th hour.

After I grab my 8th hour stuff I explain to Scar what happened. "And now he probably hates me." I finished. "Don't you hate school?" I nodded and went to enter 8th hour but not before Kevin pops up and says "Hey! You!" And makes his finger pull me in until we get by his locker. Oh God. Please don't no not now!

I grabbed a hold of Scar's bag and whispered, "I'm so scared so don't you dare leave me." Like an amazing friend she stayed and Kevin didn't push her away.

"Why are you telling people that I like you, because I don't." He said. If I was a fainter I'd have fained. But right now it felt a mix between someone punching me in the chest and hitting my heart with a hammer while installing an atomic bomb in my stomach.

"I- um, well-" "Its not her its Jade." Scar says. Thank god she's a good lier.

"Yeah Jade." I nod. Now all three of us are screwed.

"Oh well then I need to talk to her then." He says going back into his silly voice. Really?! After you just up and yell at me in front of everyone. Which almost had me at tears also! I mean its not that big of a deal but I hate being yelled at! I hate it! He walked away.

"Jade who?" A girl asked. "No one!" I yelled and walked a bit with Scar.

. "Please kill me." I tell Scar. "No kill me." "No me!" "no me!" Then we laugh and go off to our classes.

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