Our Birthday

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Okay today was pretty much amazing, bad, amazing-ness, horrid, cry, and huge smile!! But read on to find out why!! Think Kevin made me cry...?


Once I got to school I took a few deep cautious breaths. My friends arrived and surrounded me with "Happy Birthday!" cheers.

Its 10 minutes till the bell. Maybe I'll have my birthday alone this year.

Spoke to soon. Here he comes wearing a white under-armor (thing guys where now days!) and brown shorts.

He jogs up the stairs and all you hear is a surrounding of "Happy Birthday Kevin!". My self esteem went from 110 to 54 in a matter of words...

Kevin walks by me and hugs one of his friends from behind. He laughs and turns his head to me and says.........................................................................................................................................................


"Happy Birthday Selena."'

Oh my God.

"Happy Birthday Kevin." I say smiling and shocked. Oh my goodness why would he- did he just- am I dreaming?!

"Awe that was sweet." Skylar says.

I laugh.

During 1st hour is the birthday singing. There will be jocks and my friends and whenever there was two people it always ended up odd.

They started, "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear, (was supposed to be Selena and Kevin but ended up as Selevin and Kelena) Happy birthday to you."

Three kids I was sitting by burst out laughing. "It didn't even sound like our names." I crossed my arms.

"No they said Kevin but Selena was all weird." Jason laughed.

"Yeah so everyone knows its Kevin's." Another laughed.

This is where my birthday gets worse. 1st -freakin- hour!

Once I get to 2nd hour I start to worry about the remaining day.

What if we fight? What if his friends make it worse? What if he makes fun of the singing? What if he turns into a jerk again? What if he only said that to look nice and treat me bad when we're alone? What if he only said it because his friends weren't around? What if-

My thoughts were cut off by the bell.

Maybe I should confront him? Tell him to tell his friends off or something.


I end up not doing it. I'll seem desperate to talk to him for one. Two its stupid this will be my last year of coming to school on my birthday for two years. Thank God for day changes.

"After another person tells me "Happy Birthday." In 4th hour a rude prep must confirm.

"Hey is it your birthday?" "Yes." I smile. "Oh. Well I have to tell Kevin happy birthday."

"That's nice." I say and turn around. Now my blood was boiling.

I enter 5th hour more shaky than I have been all day. In, out, in, out.

"Happy birthdays." Bella says as I sit and Kevin enters.

Kevin leans over my table and gets in my face, preventing me from reading. "She said happy birthdays."

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