Getting Caught...

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Me and a bunch of my friends were playing a game. Like who’d we marry. They decided for me to marry Kevin They gave me a choice between a jerk and him. Okay don't get me wrong they're both jerks but I'd rather deal with Kevin. "Awe you two have always been so cute!" Sky beamed. Okay now this was getting weird.

"I want my son's name to be Haden. But with Kevin...I- uh no." I stuttered.

“Haden is so cute! Kevin would love it! And you know you guys will make such cute kids! And it will be with Kevin want to bet?” My friend Skylar exclaimed. I forced a smile. The bell rang and I skipped off to art.

Over the past month I’ve learned a few things. Kevin likes me, he also likes two other girls that I cannot compete with, and he likes girls to make the first move. Unlike me who likes guys to. Ugh!

“Kevin said you were cute.” Jade told me as I sat. “When?” “Remember Friday; The fun day? Well we were dancing and talking and he said you were cute.”

“Awe that’s so sweet!”

“And he likes your smile, but hates when you yell.”

“AWE HE LIKES MY SMILE THAT’S SO CUTE!!!” I squealed. She laughed.

“Remember Friday?” She kept laughing.

“Yes!” I giggled.


We were dancing the Cha-Cha. I was laughing and trying to do the dance right with my friends. Kevin was right behind me but I stayed kinda calm. With a heart-rate of 104, and growing. I laughed and turned to my left to see from the corner of my eye Kevin was frozen and staring at me. He noticed me looking and tried to get back into dancing.

Whoa was that real? Was he really distracted by me? No not possible. But- Did that just happen? All that knows is Jade. About our whole problem. But she insisted he probably did stare because he likes me.

*End of FB*


At times Jade makes me feel like I’m the only girl he cares about. At other times she makes me feel like I have no chance. But that’s okay. I still don’t know if I even like him.

“Oh I forgot something!” Jade perked.

“What?” I said drawing a heart on my paper. Ever since March I’ve been the most love-struck girl you’ve ever met. And I hate it; it really pisses me off how sappy I've let myself become.

“About a month ago I was talking to him. He said he liked you and I was all ‘you think she’s amazing.’ and he smiled and I was all ‘see!’ and he was all ‘shut up.’ all defensively. So you see he clearly does like you.”

This made my day. Maybe even my week or year. “So he’s like whipped or something for me?” I laughed.

“Well no. I mean he has other options you know.” She pointed out. Here we go with the down-puts.

The bell rang to leave to go home.

“I’ll see you later.” I said walking out.

The next morning I had to go in for a science project. I smiled and started my power-point. “I’m here.” Kevin said entering. We locked glances then I broke them with my project. But that didn’t stop my heart from running a marathon. He started talking to the teacher. I couldn’t help but stare at his blonde hair and beautiful brown eyes. My brown hair and brown eyes were nothing much compared to his but he obviously liked them. He stood in front of the computer so I sat on a desk and slid my legs over and plopped on the floor. Then Hondo, Skylar, Jacob, and Jayla filed in. Everyone started working on projects. Skylar glanced between me and Kevin every now and then, showing that we were perfect together. I rolled my eyes and saw my partner Taylin, walk in.

Great last 5 minutes. Note my sarcasm. I tried to show her how it went but she freaked and yelled “We can’t do it our other partner got kicked out!”

“Why did he?” I asked.

“Because he got kicked out for fighting I said that sped!” she yelled.

The last few words she said I locked eyes with Kevin. Then turned back.

Kevin was a split second before everyone else yelling “Shut up!”

“Dude shut up you never said that!” Hondo yelled.

“Really dude don’t be that loud God!” Skylar yelled.

They all yelled stuff at the same time. But Kevin’s was earlier. I couldn’t help but be happy. I smiled. I bet she felt stupid.

Kevin went around showing his Iphone 4G.

“Wow you went from ghetto to Iphone 4!” Hondo laughed.

“Jeez Kevin you’re getting pimples.” He added. I tried not to laugh.

“I know dude.” He said slightly annoyed.

In 5th hour, which I had with Kevin, he pulled out his phone and walked over to me and another girl who was always silent.

“Guys look its my Iphone.” He smiled.

“Oh were you the one showing your phone and Hondo said you went from ghetto to Iphone?” I asked. He kept my eyes the whole time which I was shocked I could talk properly.

“Yeah.” He laughed. Then he went over and showed my ex-best friend (Bella) and her cousin. Wow if he’s not crazy for me I am for him. I just don’t want to admit it to anyone.

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