Tomorrow's Haunting

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Hey guys (= not much happened today but I figured this would be a good chap to let you inside my brain. Tomorrow's my birthday :D And I'm so excited!!! But scared also...


Bella tried talking to me twice today. But I stood my guard in a nice way.

When I entered 5th hour all I hear is Bella belt out "Thanks Kevin!" Really loud. I clutch onto my books as I try to make it to my seat. Jade said he thinks Bella is a bitch. But what if he likes her and not me? I stumble to my seat and close my eyes. Once I open them I ask Kevin "Are we supposed to be reading?" "No." "But she is." I pointed to the girl next to me. "Oh well I'm not." He shrugs.

 I walk and grab a book off the shelf. I see one of the boys' books is next to my seat. I sit down and read. Kevin keeps telling the guys to pick it up. Maybe he's avoiding me?

He ends up grabbing the book and walking back to his seat. From the corner of my eye I see him stare for a bit. But maybe I'm crazy, but thats okay now.

I've never been more scared to face a birthday in my life. Why am I scared? There's going to be no fighting. Oh yeah, but that's what scares me.

At lunch I don't even eat. I call my mom to come get me early. I could've stayed until 2 but I couldn't bare Bella anymore. Why is she tourchering me? She's the one making me worry even more about tomorrow. What she really did, has possessed my mind.

Jade is also at the office waiting for her sister. She splits her granola bar in half and gives it to me. I take it and eat it with out thinking. "I've never been more scared of my birthday in my life." I say. "Its going to be fine and if Bella does anything at all to bring you down on your birthday tomorrow I'm kicking her ass." she laughs.

"Thanks Jade." I smile. Her sister comes up behind her. "I'll see you at my party tomorrow." I wave.

"Wouldn't miss it!" I sit here and wait for my mom.

After 10 minutes she's finally here. I climb in and moan with every step. "My appointment is at 3 right?" I ask. Everything hurts.

"Yes." She nods and drives off. I started texting my friend that lives about 30 minutes away. His name is Liam. And he's a senior. But we're just good friends and nothing more.

"Wow so you really did fall down a hill.." He said.

"Yep and I had to walk back down the hill after. They brought the other girl down in a truck."

"I would've carried you down that hill."

"Awe your so sweet!" I texted back with a smile on my face.

"Youre my homie-" "Oh wait not for you" He texted twice.

"I think you made that up and are scared to take compliments from me Liam."

"No it was i swear and yes i do! haha."

"Lol ugh my whole body hurts!"

"Okay that's it I'm skipping school tomorrow to go and help you."

"What will you say your doing? lol"

"Helping the handy-capped.."

"I'm not handycapped!!"

"I was joking! haha"

"Okay what if they ask why a senior is there?"

"I'll just say I'm a really tall freshman." I laughed.

"Sure lol wish! Now I'm going to take a nap so night Liam(="

"Night. Sweet dreams."

"Sweet dreams"



"^-^ (;"

"Your retarted Liam. haha!" I laughed before I shut my eyes and fell asleep.


I know its a bit boring but awe don't you love Liam? I do too he's the best! Haha tomorrow is my birthday and I promise to keep a note pad with me so I can get an awesome chapter for you lovelies! But it will be up saturday because my giant party is tomorrow like right after school! So xD I'm excited for becoming a teenager! Lol Yes I'm 13 and I write like this..Amazing no? xD

Stay Wishful (think I'm going to start saying that now!!)


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