Unraveling Secrets

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7th Grade




I was messing around with my friend, Jade. We’ve been friends ever since we had our first kiss together. It was sort of a you’ve-never-done-it-I’ve-never-done-it thing. But after we just became plain old friends.

“Hey what do you think of Selena?” She asked.

I don’t think she knows her; so I guess its okay. I scratched my blonde hair.

“She’s sorta cute but she’s a bitch all the time.” I shrugged.

She hummed.

“But you can’t tell her promise?” I looked at her seriously. My piercing brown eyes peering through hers.





I was sitting in art with Jade ~another best friend~ in the corner. We’ve become really good friends over this year.

“Ugh my birthday is coming up in a month and a half.” I groaned. I threw my medium, brown hair in a ponytail.

“Why are you moping?”

“Because I share it with Kevin.”

“Dude you both think each other are hot. And you have the same brown eyes.” She shrugged.

I sat straight up and gasped. “What did you say?” “Brown eyes?” She tried.

“Oh no you let something slip! Tell me now!” I urged.

“Ugh fine! Just don’t tell him I told you. But he said you’re sorta cute but you’re a bitch to him all the time.”

“We do fight a lot since we found out we share a birthday.” I shrugged. “But you have to get more out of him.”

“Do you like him?”

“Me? The nerd with glasses like him the super popular jock? No, but I want to know if he does; so find out.” My heart was beating hard against my chest but why?

I remember the time we touched hands once a few years ago and it sent an electric shock through my body. But I ignored it all these years.

But now…

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