Friends or Enemies?

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I'm posting another chapter!!! Why? BECAUSE I LOVE THE #54!!! And that's how many reads I have (=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!! So here you go!!! :D



The next day we had a sweets day in 5th hour. After everyone was seated I grabbed my brownie and took a bite of it.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed. It was burned. I went up to the teacher and asked for another.

"I'll take it!" Kevin yelled.

"Its burned but okay." I said and handed it to him. I think we were both avoiding touch because I grabbed one half and he took it with the other.

He actually ate it too! I laughed and went back to my book.

*The Day AFTER Jade Talks to Kevin*

The next day was hilarious! I entered 5th hour like usual. I sat at my table and pulled out a book. I told you I love to read and avoid him.

I pulled out my bookmark and started reading.

"Kids please get out something to do this is study hall day not fun day." The teacher scorned.

"But we don't have anything to do on Friday's Ms!" A kid yelled.

"Well then read a book!" She yelled.

"Oh Miss I have a book but its at home! The one day I don't bring it and I need it." Kevin says, mumbling the last sentence.

"Miss I have a book!" I raise my hand with my book in it.

"I know." She nods.

Probably not shocked cuz' I always have a book with me.

Kevin stumbled -like he was drunk- (he wasn't) over to me. I looked up.

"What are you reading?" He asked.

"The Hunger Games." I flipped the book to show the cover.

"Oh." He said then walked over to the sharpener then back to me in a few steps. I put in my bookmark.

"Hey our birthday's in a week." I said.

"I know. I have a cut on my mouth right there." he traced him finger next to his lips.

I tried to stay focused but I couldn't. I burst out laughing. "That had nothing to do with what I just said."


"That has nothing to do with our birthday." I smiled.

"Oh I know but look its like all white." He said showing me. He pulled out his cheek to show a huge white cut.


"Oh ouch and ugh.." I said trying to go back to my book. But I try not to smile hugely on the fact that I'm talking to him.

He walks over to the leftover Sprite we had from yesterday. He takes a big drink then puts it back before the teacher walks in.

I went back to reading as he sat with his table.

"Draw an N!" I heard him yell. The two guys wrote down N's I suppose.

"You guys draw ugly N's!"

"No we don't!" Kayden exclaimed.

"Watch!" Kevin said walking up to the teacher.

"Miss, look isn't those two N's ugly like those are terrible right?" "Why yes they are. I didn't even know those were N's."

"See I told you guys you draw awful N's!" He yelled sitting back down. I let out a huge smile. Wow this was really hard not to laugh at.

"Kevin your like brown." "What? Oh uh I know I spend a lot of time outside so I'm really tan."

"I'm darker than you still." Kayden said pushing up his sleeve.

"So. Hey dude we're both darker than him he's just plain white." Kevin told another guy, chuckling. Why guys care about tans? I have no idea.

"Hey girlfriend what page are you on?" Kevin said faking gayness. I tried not to laugh but I did smile.

"Um, 101. I'm not that far actually. I'm really behind."

"You're farther than me. I'm like on page 70." "Out of?" "Like 437." He laughs. "Wow that's not very far along." We both laugh.

I know it was his golfing book.

He loves golf and plus I saw it one day on his desk. And hey I love books so of course I checked it out a bit. Okay well I looked at it cuz' he was coming and I didn't want to get into a conversation.

He goes back to his seat and raises his hand.

"Ms. H! Our birthday, me and Selena- Selena back there, our birthday is next Friday."

"Yeah but he's a year older." I say.

"Kevin are you turning 13?" "What? Oh no I'm turning 14."

"I'm turning 13." I said.

He turned and faced me.

"Imagine if we were siblings then I'd always be older than you." "You always will be Kevin." I smiled.

"No like always." "Oh, No I couldn't live with you, no offence."

"Its okay." He said not paying attention. He had a short attention span like me.

"And if we were siblings you'd be like taller." He laughed.

"Hey! I'm not that short!" I exclaimed.

He laughed again. "Yeah but you'd also like look different because we'd be from different parents." He said laughing mid-sentence. I think he was laughing because of how stupid he sounded. But it was adorable. I laughed and turned my attention back to my book.

Kayden said something and it made me laugh. Kevin turned around and I'm probably crazy but there was a bit of jealousy in his eyes. They flicked from me to Kayden in a second then he would bother Kayden. After Kevin was done talking to Kayden we'd go laughing again.

"Kayden! Kayden dude look." Kevin said pulling his attention from me to him. He's not jealous of Kayden is he? Really?

Well maybe if he made a move or something he wouldn't have to worry about jealousy....UGH!


A/N:Don't you just want to slap Kevin and say 'WAKE UP AND TELL HER IDIOT!!!' Yeah lots of people do! Haha. Here's a song that is really good with our story. Its like it in some parts and its a good comparison. Hope you like it. Oh its by my fave artist!! Taylor Swift!!



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