Author's Note! Urgent for Feedback!

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Hey guys :D I'll update later because I have HW and I mean a lot today and tomorrow and finals are next week and yeah. But okay here's the deal, summer break is officially starting for me, next Friday. I will be leaving 7 states away from home to stay with my dad for a bit. The thing is I won't see Kevin all summer most like-ly. So I need to know whether I should continue the story on how I want/think the story will end; or if I should just put it on hold until August 19th? Ugh I know its a hard decission but I don't know what to do so I NEED FEEDBACK!!!!!!!! Otherwise I will decide and prbably but it on hold ://

Now I don't want to do this don't get me wrong but I have no choice. I will have updates as much as I can but the even worse part is- 5th hour the one with 'Kevin'- this will be our last week in that class. Which means I won't really see him. Thrusday is a millon fun things and I'll update a happy -last?- chapter. We have year book signings and awards and fun games exc! I will try and remember everything that happens and carry a paper and pen to write everything. I really don't want to put this story on hold but if that's what you guys want for it to be 110% real then okay. Just tell me what you want in PM's or comments! I honestly want to hear what you guys want me to do!

I'm horrible with decissions so yeah. Please pick : Put it on hold OR End it to your imagination's content.

I know lots of pressure but its on you! Please let me know and occasionally in the summer I'll have an update every now and then on what me and my friends talk about exc. But I'll only do that if you guys want me to put it on if something does happen in real life and I wrote to my imagination's content it won't be posted unless you guys want a PM or whatever on what happened.

Okay I NEED FEEDBACK PPL!!!!!! So thanks update later! Please tell me what YOU THINK I whould do!!!!!

No pressure ^-^ <3

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