Not Your Average Happy Ending...

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Well that's my story. I've been avoiding Kevin ever since that day. Jade is still cursing his name right by my side. Along with Melody of course. These two are helping me cope. I mean I wasn't in love with the guy...

Some guys are just jerks. Some guys deserve way more crap then what they dish out. Karma has always been my friend. I know Kevin will wake up to his senses one day and want me. I mean who knows what I'll say?

Ha, but maybe he won't? Like Jade says, "He'll be missing out the next Taylor Swift or Anne Rice. You're voice is amazing Selena and you write like no one else I know. He's a bitch for doing this to you, don't worry."

And maybe Jade's right? But I have to admit Melody's, "That bitch I'm sorry he is a jerk. He should even yell at an effin girl in the first place that jerk!" made me laugh more.

Not all of us need a happy ending. Not all of us need that guy in our life to be complete.

I'm glad I have friends like Jade, who try to help me get my fairytale.

And Melody, who makes you laugh at some of the toughest times.

And Scar, who no matter what happens to either of us, is usually there for me just for a shoulder to cry on.

Don't get me wrong all of these girls do these things but those are they're specialties...I love you guys(=

"Be that strong girl that everyone knew would make it through the worst, be that fearless girl who would dare to do anything, be that independent girl who didn't need a man; be that girl who ever backed down." ~Taylor Swift <3


I love my friends! This wasn't your average happy ending....but it wasn't your basic sad ending either.

Forever & Always <3

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