A Normal Birthday? No Fighting?! What?!

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The next day was- peacemaking? I skipped first hour and spent it with a guy. No, you got it wrong. I helped him on a science project. It was pretty cool. It had panda’s and polar bears with its tongue sticking out! Adorable!

5th hour came a little too quickly than I wanted it to. Deep breath, here we go. My science teacher (also head of Student Counsel) stopped me and gave me a form. She wants me to join. The only thing is my ex-best friend is joining too. Ugh maybe..

“You should do it Selena.” Hondo told me.

“Thanks but I don’t know. I’m bad at speeches.” I mean I wasn’t a lie but it wasn’t the truth. I also wasn’t well liked and I doubt anyone will vote for me.

“Just look straight ahead don’t even look at anyone its easy!” Jason, another jock, exclaimed. “Maybe. If so you’re so helping me.” I laughed and walked to my 5th hour.

I grabbed a pencil and finished my math and history homework. After I was finally done, I grabbed a pen and filled out the form.

“Kayden, what’s the date?” I asked.

Kevin looked at me for a second then popped back into his conversation with Scarlet’s boyfriend. That I hated by the way.

“Your mom.” Kayden said bluntly.

“No really what is it? 16th? 17th?” I asked.

“Your-” “The 17th.” Kevin interrupted him kinda impatiently. I smiled, just like Jade told me to.


“Hey our birthday’s next month.” He said surprised. I guess only girls count the days till their birthday.

“Yeah I think we have like 18 or 17 days. 18, 17, yeah I think 17.” I laughed.

“Yeah cool.” Okay now was the time to ask instead of later. We already were on the topic.

“Hey Kevin. Are we going to like fight this year?” He cocked his head to the side. “Like um, argue on our birthday?” I asked. I was outta breath I am so shocked I could speak.

“What oh no.” He shook his head.

“Okay. Good cuz’ I don’t feel like fighting.” I said, getting quieter with each word. Well there. My heart rate slowed a bit but was still pumping from him just looking at me. Okay for hating him I was so head over heels in love. And I don't want to admit it to anyone. Not even Jade....

Whoa whoa wait-!! No fighting?! What will this mean?! Being nice?! Saying 'Happy Birthday' like everyone else!? This is the one day of the year I actually think we talk all day and now we're not. I've never liked the fighting. And I'm sure if we fought my feelings of hate would come back out. But Jade always texts me and says she thinks he's loved me forever. Loved me forever?! Doubt it!

But I don't know I mean would we be waving and smiling all day? Would we be clingy and all gooey eyed like all those books I read? Like really...What's it going to be like? Well I have a week and a half, lets see how that goes first.

Plus- I doubt he likes me...


A/N: God don't you want to hit her and say 'HE LOVES YOU!!' Haha well you get a chance in the comments(; [HINT HINT] Well Thanks for the reads I saw I reached 30 after school and I have 33? Now maybe Idk I'll check later! but you guys are just amazing and you'd be even more amazing if you commented and voted!!!!!!





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