Anyone Else Want To Say His Name?

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Ah Sunday don't we all hate them just a bit less then Monday? I do. I stayed inside reading and writing and texting due to the rain. But I loved the rai so it was amazing.

I was texting one of my friends, Ariana. She had an on and off thing going with Kevin's best friend Dylan.

Me- Hey if I dated anyone who would you choose for me?

Ariana- umm, Hondo!

Me- Ew no like seriously!

Ariana- For you I'd pick Kevin

I froze.


Ariana- Because you guys are like perfect together! And you share a birthday and such.

Me- We're perfect? Ha! I think so too. He actually likes me. He told one of my friends that and all. But thats all really.

Ariana- Well thats funny lol!

Me- Lol and plus if we marry the guys we'll end up becoming practically sisters!

Ariana-I'm not marrying Dylan

Me- Sure child :D


Sorry its a boring chapter but its all i got cuz as I said its sunday. Maybe new updates tomoroow....



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