Chapter 1:Creation Of Steve

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In a world of nothingness,the world just black and white. Nothingness. The world is a non color and lack of color and life.

Who shall create this world and call it as their home?

A young man and another young man appeared in the world,they are sibling. The older brother name is Notch,the younger brother name is Brine.

They entered the world and look around the area and look down at it,all they see is black and white from a static television.

Notch has no idea what to make the world,neither does Brine. Both of them has no idea how to make a new world of their own.

They kept walking around for a bit till Notch found a sketch book,it has papers within them. Once he pick it up,a pencil appeared in his hand. He had no idea what to make of it,so he asked Brine what should he makes.

The first thing Brine though of Is making grass. He sketch the grass on his sketch book,as he sketch it,they appeared beneath their feet.

They look below and see the grass,it is warm and Brine run around the grass and drop down on the grass,making an angel in excitement.

Notch chuckled in amusement,he gets up and walks toward to his younger brother,look him at in the face.

He asked him what else should he makes.


Notch nodded and sketch on the book,he sketch the trees,once he done that,the trees appeared. Oak trees. Birch trees. Dark oak trees. Jungle trees.

"There. Trees."

Brine sit up from the grass,he laughs in excitement. He got up and hugged his older sibling.

Then,they noticed the area has turn pure darkness and it is scary at night. Brine hugged Notch,hiding his face in his brother's chest. Notch brush his hair,trying to calm him down.

They lay down together on the grass,felling asleep peacefully.

The Next Day

Notch created Biomes for each one,he asked Brine to name each one,Brine decided to name them all.

Plains. Savannah. Forest. Jungle. Desert. Mesa. Taiga. Cold Taiga. Swampland. Extreme hills. Oceans.

There are so many biomes and it can have life in them,each one of them have a section. It's now becoming a beautiful world.

Notch is outstanding. Brine is impressed,while they finished up the biomes. Brine started to be hungry. He feels so famished.

"I'm hungry big brother,don't you feel it?"

"Of course,can we sketch the animals in the biomes? I don't know."

"Try it,I don't want to be starve to death."

Notch listens to his brother and nods his head,he flip to the next page and drew some animals like wolves,pigs,cows,and chickens,horses and squids as well.

Each one pop up in so many biomes. The heard the chicken clucks,cows are mooing. Pigs are oinking. Wolves are barking.

"Wow! This is amazing brother! We can survive!"

"But how can we cook them?"

"let's mine!"


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