Chapter 8:Corrupted Heart

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In The cell,he were chain up against the walls around his wrists,he struggles to move,he continue to struggles and struggles till he broke the chains with a powerful force.

He groan as he twist his wrists,he growls as his eyes are glitching fast. He step out of the cell and laughs,his laugh echos out the room.

My name is Steve,I was created by Notch. He was a father to me,I was a copy of him who is a demi god. When I was with that demi god,I fell in love with him.

I though he was a monster of a mob that doesn't have feelings,but surely he does have feelings. He was everything to me until a unfortunate event.

He trick me,deceived me. Lied to me. He was only using me for his own good. He is a true monster,I don't deserve to be him. I don't deserve to be with a demi god who harm me.

He isn't trying his best to save me,he isn't worthy. He is no god.

He. Is. A. Coward.

Herobrine,I don't love you. I hate you. Hate is much stronger then shitty love. Love is pathetic for the weak.

I was weak.

Hate is much better.

"I'm coming for you,Herobrine."

(Herobrine's POV)

I woken up from a nap,it was suppose to be relaxing but these nightmares are getting on my nerves. You know what's worse,I heard Steve's voice. He spoke my name.

I wonder why?

Did he find a way to be stronger? Probably,maybe.

"Oh,you are awake. It's night." Said a female voice.

I turn my head to the door and see Alex by the door,holding a tray. She is all heal up. Thank goodness we have those potions.

She place the tray on the bed,showing me unusual food to me.

I never seen food like this,is this a different version of Minecraft?

"Try it,I cook it myself." She said.

I nods and took a piece of a food and ate it.

It tastes delicious!

"I try to talk to Notch,I ask him if I can search for Steve on my own,but he gave me the silent treatment."

I shallow up the food and look at her.

"Of course,that's notch for you,wherever he gives someone a silent treatment,it means he is pissed or focusing on something,do not want to be disturb." I said.

I move the tray aside and sat on the bed.

"Do you want to save Steve with me?" She asked.

Before I get a chance to speak,an Hammer came by,almost hitting my face,but instead it hit my redstone lamp.

I look back and turn to the door as I see Notch,grabbing Alex by the hand.

"Absolutely not. You aren't going to risk your life again to save Steve,don't you remember last night,you were almost dead. He could've killed you or be corrupted. Alex,please. You must stay here where you are." Said Notch.

HeroSteve:Corrupted HeartWhere stories live. Discover now