Chapter 10:Death

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Notch is walking around in the corrupt world in the overworld,he slay each and every creeper and zombies,and skeletons.

Each of them are corrupted,then he heard moaning and groaning from the players,he turns around,looking at them,groaning. He refuses to kill each one,because Minecraft has been set to hardcore in the corrupt world,that being said. It means they can't respawn.

He took a step back,holding his hammer with his right hand,away from the corrupt players. He flees to search for the Aether portal.

Once he got there,the portal got destroyed. He can't return to his home.

"Oh no."

He grumbles and stomp his feet on the ground,almost causing an earthquake. He then heard a voice. A voice of Entity 303.

"Well,hello Notch. I'm glad you are here,you must be wondering who destroy your precious portal,I did it. I just want you to be mad,pissed." Said Entity 303's voice.

"WHERE'S ALEX?!" He yelled.

"Her? Oh she's safe with me. She will no longer be with you. She's mine now." He said,echoing in the forest.

"Excuse me,you can't claim her. She's mine. I created her and I love her,you can't take her. You don't even love her. You as a virus don't have emotions." Said Notch.

Entity 303 laughs as he summoned up Alex in front of Notch,Notch gasps as he ran toward Alex,hugging her in his arms.

Alex has a sad expression on her face,she pushed him away,rejecting him. Notch were confused. He didn't understand why she is rejecting him.

"Alex? Sweetie,it's me,Notch. The one you love,the one you sleep with every night."

"Alex. Kill him."

A diamond sword appeared in her hand as Notch quickly move away from her,Alex point the diamond sword at him. Her eyes were faded green.


"I claim her,you should've seen her face and struggles,screaming your name and begging you to come and rescue her. But sadly,you didn't. She is nothing but a bitch." Said Entity 303's voice.



With Herobrine. . .

Herobrine and Null clash their swords,both glowing eyes were glowing in the night,both of them are fighting against each other.

A virus battle against a virus.

Herobrine try his best to get the first hit on Null. But,Null disappear and reappear behind Herobrine,stabbing him in the back. Herobrine groans from the pain as teleported.

The sword were still in his body as he remove it,and throw it at Null,Null catches it and smiles.

"I got to admit,I can to do real damage on you since you aren't a god in this world. Think about it,your death will be meaningless. Nobody wouldn't know who you are. A virus? A god? A legend? Who cares." Said Null as he raise his sword toward Herobrine.

"I'LL KILL YOU. I'LL GET RID OF YOU!" Shouted Herobrine.

Null laughs and charges at Herobrine,before he can attack. Herobrine point the sword to his neck,Null stopped.

"You are a virus that should be erased from the database." Said Herobrine.

Null growls.

With Steve. . .

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