Chapter 9:No Longer Brothers

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(Alex's POV)

I woke up,my vision are blurry,I try to move my body but it look like I'm chained to the wall. I can't move my hands but I can move my legs. I stood up and look around as my vision were clear.

I gasps,seeing black and white cubes everywhere,then I heard lava bubbling somewhere,I shook up in fear.

Where am I? Where is Herobrine? Notch? Notch?!

“Mhmm,I'm right. You are a wonderful woman,so lucky that Notch loves you. Has he claim you yet?" Said a voice.


“Claim,as in you are mine.....doesn't seem to be,he hadn't claim you."

You can read my mind?! Entity 303?!

“That's my name,bitch."

I walk over to the cell but the chains made a creak noise,I turn back and grumbles. Then I look at around for Entity 303.

“Where the hell are you?!"

I gasps as I felt arms around my waist behind me,I struggles and kick around but he prevent that from happening.

“No! No! No! Only Notch can touch me! Not you! Please don't!" I shouted.

I heard him chuckled as I felt his tongue on my neck,tears were forming from my eyes,tears dropping to the ground.

“Mhmm,I'm not going to corrupt you,I'm going have fun with you,I will keep going till you lose your mind,forget about that god,he is nothing but trouble." He said.

This can't be happening!


With Herobrine & Notch. . . .

Herobrine stood away from Notch,he wanted to speak to Notch,but he rather but not. He is frighten of what Notch would do. If he tells Notch that Alex is messing,he doesn't know what what Notch would do.


“Um....I....well,she's missing."

“Missing?! How?! I trusted you to watch her and protect her,that's all I told you. But sadly you can't even do a simple task!" Shouted Notch in anger.

Notch rush to Herobrine,slamming Herobrine to a nearby tree,punching his chest. Herobrine coughed yet he sees rage in Notch's eyes.

“She's important to me,if she comes back corrupt,you will no longer see as a brother."

“But....we are brothers. We been brothers since the beginning of time,you can't do that to me,to our relationship."


Notch let go of Herobrine,turning back on him,walking away from him. He turn his head to look at Herobrine one last time.

“You aren't my brother,you are a virus. A god with a virus who can't control his emotions and his own actions. You don't see it because you are blind to,but I see it,you are no longer as my brother,Brine."

Herobrine were in tears,he took a step to reach for Notch but the hammer stopped him. Herobrine look at the hammer then at Notch.

“No. Longer. Brothers." Said Notch as he disappeared in front of Herobrine's eyes.

Herobrine were confused at the word “Virus."

He doesn't remember being a virus,if he was a virus,why he didn't kill anyone like Alex and Notch.

Then he remember,a horrible memory from long ago that he was In The Nether. He was free from hell,he wasn't alone Null and Entity 303 got involve,Null took control of his body and made him kill million of players in a village so the players will fear him,so they can know that he exists.

Herobrine sit down and be in a feral position,crying in tears.

“I'm hopeless. I'm worthless. I'm no god,I'm a virus. A dangerous virus that everyone have fear for so long. Why do I need to save him for? It's hopeless,it's for nothing....." Said Herobrine as he sobs into his knees.

He can't Steve.

He can't protect Alex.

He can't even have a brother.

All of it,it is hopeless.

“Such ashamed,Herobrine. The anti-Hero. The evil god,Lord of the Nether. You can't do a simple thing. You are a virus. I gave you a virus. You are worth nothing. Minecraft is done for."

Herobrine jolt up as he heard Null's voice in his head,he screams and hit his head to the tree.

“Stop! I had enough of you being in my head! Just stop!" He screams.

Null laughs as he made an appearance. Behind Herobrine. He chuckles and turn Herobrine around,facing him.

“Once a virus,always be a virus,don't be this difficult. If you want Steve,you can just join with me and Entity 303. Viruses must stick together,beside,you love killing everyone and wants to rule this world. Remaking it as ours." Said Null.

Herobrine punched him but Null disappear and reappear on the top of the tree,sitting.

“You can't touch me,I'm your virus. You can't get rid of me. Now why don't you listen to me and do what I say." Said Null.

“No! You and Entity 303 ruins everything. I can't be with an virus Steve,I can't make a promise to Notch,I can't even protect. You out of all virus disgust me. I'm a god. I shouldn't be trusted as a play toy."

Null looked down at Herobrine and chuckles.

Herobrine's eyes were glowing in the dark as his voice were changing. In a demonic tone.

you may be a virus but I'll get rid of you and Entity 303." Said Herobrine in a demonic tone.

He heard the bushes as he summon his sword,he turn around quickly. He stabbed Dreadlord in the chest,deeply. Dreadlord were bleeding heavily,the blood were on the sword,Herobrine smirks evilly and laughs.

“This is your end." Said Herobrine in a demonic tone.

He laughs and push the sword in him,Dreadlord coughs out blood. He try to push it away but he can't.

Null watches the display,he doesn't care much about Dreadlord,Herobrine look up at Null with a smirk then look at Dreadlord.

He twitch the sword,making Dreadlord cough horrible.

Herobrine laughs as he pull the sword out of him,then put his sword away,gripping onto Dreadlord's neck.

He laughs darkly. He move his hands up to his head,Dreadlord were in fear. He has no idea Herobrine could be this dark.

“Go on ahead,kill the bastard,I don't care."

“What?! No! No!"

“this is the virus of Herobrine,Dreadlord. Much more darker and spooky. I made him this way." Said Null.

Herobrine chuckles and start to squeeze his head with both of his hands. He continue till blood were splatter everywhere,even on Herobrine's face,the demi-god licks the blood from his lips and his hands.

He look up at Null,he disappear and reappear in front of him. Null laughs and attack Herobrine in the gut. The demi-god flew away but stop in midair.


Lightening were form in Herobrine's hands.

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