Chapter 6:Notch's Anger

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Notch try to wake up his younger sibling. How this happened?

Let's rewind.


Herobrine dodged the two wither from his left and right,he jumped up in the sky,as he jumped,he get attack by Dreadlord from behind,he get attack from his a wither sword. A wither effect.

When under the effects of Wither, a player will lose health at a rate slightly slower than that of poison.

It affected Herobrine,he grunted and try to move his body slightly,each time he does. It cause him to cough out blood. Real blood.

He fell down fast,closing his eyes. He crashed down on the ground,an hole were created by him. Notch kick his own door down,he is tired of being a pathetic god or brother. He rushed over to Herobrine,covered him.

He held his younger brother in his arms as Dreadlord walks toward him,Dreadlord stopped his tracks as a arrow flew by. It wasn't an normal arrow. It was a Arrow of Poison.


"You were a little bit close,young lady." Said Dreadlord.


Alex nodded,as she grabbed one of her arrows.

Arrow of Invisibility.

She shot and aim at Notch & the unconscious Herobrine.

They were invisible as Dreadlord getting frustrated. He summoned up his two withers and shot at her,the noise of the wither alert her,it was moving fast. She dodged with quick movement,she ran and ready for her bow and arrow.

Two arrows.

Arrow of Weakness.

Arrow of Slowness.

She kept aiming and attacking Dreadlord with the arrows,then she get tackled down by Entity 303,he hissed and chuckled at the woman,he is amuse at her struggle. As she struggle,she manages to get her arrow,stabbed Entity 303 in the right eye.

Entity 303 got off of Alex and yelled out loud.

"First the god try to rip me in half with lightning,now this bitch going to stab me in my good eye. You'll pay for that!" He shouted as he try to regenerate his eye.

Once he did,he look around and doesn't see Alex anywhere. He yelled out in frustration. Null and Dreadlord came by Entity 303's side.

Null chuckles at Entity 303 and helped Entity 303 to regenerate.

Meanwhile with Notch & Alex. . . .

Inside the castle,Notch were trying to get Herobrine to wake up but it wasn't working.


Alex came by from the upper window,he heard Alex knocking on the window,so he open up the window with his magic. Alex hop in Herobrine's room.

"Thank goodness you are okay,are you corrupted? Are you bitten?" He asked.

"I'm fine,Notch." Said Alex.

Castle start to shaken up as Alex held onto the wall,she look outside,seeing Entity 303 & Dreadlord attacking the Castle.

Alex grumbles as she rush over to her bedroom,grabbing her enchanted diamond sword,it has Fire Aspect,knockback.

Then she enchanted her bow and arrow,with punch two and power V and Unbreakable three.

Once she done enchanting,she return to Notch with bow on her back,and held a bow in her hands.

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