Chapter 7:Love And Fear

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A place where is a quiet place,there are no wind,there are no colors. There also are no life. The world is just pure nothingness. Empty. But surely,we have these two.

Steve and Herobrine.

They were hugging together as Herobrine touched and brush Steve's brown hair. He is humming a song to Steve,so he can calm down,and don't have a panic attack.

Steve is calming down,he relaxed in Herobrine's arms,this is the only moment they can be together,just the two of them.

No chaos. No trouble. No entity. No nothing.

It's an safe haven.



“Do you ever fear our love is too dangerous?"

“emotions are dangerous but we need to control them,yes,I do. I fear our love can't be in this world,love can powerful and fear is indeed scary,but don't worry,we don't have to fear anymore. We have each other Steve,we love each other and must be together."

Steve looked up at Herobrine and smiled at him,an innocent smile. They remove from hugging and to holding hands together.

Herobrine or Steve doesn't want to wake up in their dreams,they want to stay like this forever. But forever won't last long.





The floor were creaking,some were creating holes as fire burst up into the land,wind were blowing harshly,Steve looked at Herobrine holding onto his hands tightly.

He has tears in his eyes,he doesn't want to leave,he wants to stay.

“H-H-Hero!" Shouted Steve in fear,shaking from his head to toe.

“I'm not letting you go Steve! You are precious to me,I can't lose you now!"

Till lighting strike between them,they had to let go of their hands,Steve screams as the wind carrying up Steve like a tornado.


Herobrine reach out for Steve,till a hole broke beneath him,he screams and fell into lava.

(Reality,Herobrine's POV)

I opened my eyes,blinking into expression of confusion. I look around the room,but one thing I saw was Notch's hand,reaching out for me. I reach out my hand to him. He helped me up and took me out of the chamber room.

He took me to my bedroom,and in my bedroom was a slightly injuried Alex. My eyes wided shot open,I remove my hand away from Notch,went to Alex's side. I check her pulse.

I sigh of relief that Alex is still alive,I look at my older sibling,I asked him if he is he alright,but he straight up ignored me for asking him.

Something may has happened to Alex and Notch,someone may pissed him off. Probably Entity 303 because he likes to torture our love ones. Love is disgusting to viruses. Emotions are meaningless.

“Notch,she's going to be alright,did you regenerate her?" I asked,as I look at him as he is by the doorway.

He nods,and leaves the room. Leaving me alone with Alex.

Damn,when notch doesn't response to anyone,it means that Notch will go throughout hell. Messing with someone love life can be dangerous.

Love is a powerful feeling,I learn that the hard way.

HeroSteve:Corrupted HeartWhere stories live. Discover now