Chapter 5:The Corrupted World

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Herobrine reach out to Steve,whom is sitting on the baloney,Steve turned around with a corrupted eyes,red eyes. He walk to Herobrine as Herobrine try to move away,it was impossible. He couldn't move.

Is this a dream? No. It can't be real.

Herobrine couldn't move his legs,it's like he is glue down to the floor. Steve stood above Herobrine. He chuckles and held a bloody diamond sword in his hand. He raise up his sword and-


Herobrine gasped as he was woken up by the voice of his own brother. He startled up with confusion,he didn't understand. This never happen before. Usually he loves nightmares because he creates them. Now he is tasting his own nightmare,it taste awful.

"What? Huh? Where? How?"

"It was just a nightmare. The corruption almost taken your mind. The corruption side of Steve almost had you. You could've been dead if I hadn't woke you up."

"But gods can't die." Said Herobrine.

"Of course gods don't die,but now we are in a corruption world,we might die here. We are here in their home,the home of corruption."

What? No!

Herobrine get off the bed and swing the curtains. Notch wasn't lying. They are in their home,the world is now corrupted. It's like a modded world.

“This has to be a dream. This couldn't happen. Steve wouldn't. He wouldn't corrupted this world.....He known better." Said Herobrine.

Notch reach out to Herobrine,touching his left shoulder.

“We know,we must be ready for this. Steve will be coming home with us." Said Notch.

“NOTCH!" Shouted a voice.

Notch heard a voice coming from the office,so Notch & Herobrine and Alex left the bedroom,they walked down the hallway to the office,seeing a half corrupted player,she is struggling against the corruption as she spoke.

“NoTcH. HeLp me. PLeAsE. HeLp uS. wE nEed yOu. WhY aRe yOu nOt hELpiNg uS." Said the corrupted female player.

“Help her! Please! I beg of you,she's corrupted. We are scare Notch. We are scare of Entity 303 & Null,they are destroying Minecraftia. Please Help us."

Notch were speechless,he has nothing to say,he can't help the players. He trying his best to get rid of the virus before but Entity 303 is much stronger in Minecraftia. Once he is release to the open world,he'll do anything to get rid of Notch and Herobrine.

They are gods.

Entity 303 wants power and corruption. He is more then god. He is a monster without no care. He does whatever he wants in the world.

As for Null,he is another story.


The female player started groaning and moaning like a zombie and spoke.

“wê årê thê £å¢ê ð£ å ñêw wðrlÐ." She said in a corruption tone.

She turned around and face to the other player with a evil smirk,the eyes were red,and the clothing were glitching. She twitched her right eye,her mouth were covered in red wires like a tongue.

The other player back away in fear,placing his hand to his heart,felling to the floor. He is unnerve to do anything. He doesn't know what to do,he closed his eyes.

Once he did,Herobrine grabbed the corrupted female player by the neck,then he carried her outside to the Castle. He thrown her on the ground with the corrupted mobs.

HeroSteve:Corrupted HeartWhere stories live. Discover now