Chapter 3:Encounter

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They are over to Notch's bedroom. Notch needed his rest,it was too much for him,seeing his world become corrupted. He can't fix it.

Herobrine actually feels bad for his older brother. Alex came in the room and bought over tea for Notch. She place the tea on the end table.

She sat down on the chair,without looking at Herobrine,Herobrine looked at her and coughed to get her attention. Gladly it works.

Alex looked at him with a worried expression because she worries about Notch.

"I'm sorry,I was out of line,I shouldn't say that to you,Notch was probably lonely and needed you to comfort him,you know."

"It's Alright. I do hate you but I had my reasons,and as for Notch. You are right,he needs me. He was losing sanity because of the damn virus,he couldn't sleep. I helped him to sleep. Entity 303 and the rest need to die,we need to free Steve. I want this to be over." Said Alex.

"How did Notch and you,because lovers?" Asked Herobrine.

Alex started to blush and chuckled.



A young girl like Alex,she was wondering where steve have gone,she carried her plush version of Notch around. She started to worry,then she heard yelling from the office. She quickly went to office,open the door. She seen Notch holding an virus Steve.

She dropped her plush in shock,she started to tear up. Notch look down and humming a lullaby.

"It's alright Alex,I'll fix him. Trust me."

Alex still was worried,Notch pats her head and told her to go to her room until dinner is ready.

[14 years later]

Steve were mining in the Aether alone,being watch by Alex. She got asked by Steve to join in the mining but she refused. She just watch him mine.

Alex known of his virus because Notch explained to her,Then suddenly. Steve drop his iron pickaxe to the ground as he place hand to his heart,dropping down to the ground,screaming in pain.

Alex gasped and called out Notch. Notch appeared and take Steve to the basement of the Castle,trapping him in ani-virus room.

It isn't much but it will do.

The virus spread all over Steve,the corrupted Steve roars at Notch,drooling. He try to break the glass but it wasn't working. Then he turn over to Alex,he growls at her. Licking his lips from the red wires.

Alex shivers as Notch grabbed her,pulling her into his arms,brushing the back of her hair. Alex blushed and held onto Notch.

At Night,Alex were afraid to sleep in her room because she thinks that Steve would become a virus at night and bites her and may get her sick.

In The hallways,she knocks Notch's bedroom door. The door opened itself. She entered inside and see Notch is awake,holding a book about "how to get rid of a virus."

Notch stopped reading the book,he look up and see Alex in her pajamas. He was about to ask why is she here,but he realise that Alex is scare.

He pat on the bed from his right,she climb in the bed and get under the blanket with Notch. Notch put the book away on his end table. Before he speaks,he felt Alex hugging him. He blushes red,an love emotion.

HeroSteve:Corrupted HeartWhere stories live. Discover now