Chapter 4:Steve's Resisting

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Steve is roaming in the overworld,stabbing a tree with his bloody diamond sword. Tears were streaming down his cheeks as night comes,the sun came down,once it is down,he heard Entity 303's laughs. Corrupted mobs spawn in the overworld.

The players fled,running away,asking help from Notch,but one of the players trip,he turn over and look at the creepers,the mobs of creepers were surrounding the one player. They didn't explosive him. They bite him.

Steve wants to look away but he couldn't. He seen that player become a corrupted one. Steve wants to help him but the corrupted side didn't want that.

He held onto his bloody diamond sword and carried to the village,the players were screaming as he kills them.

Meanwhile with Herobrine. . .

Herobrine and Alex waited for Notch,they started to get worried sick about him. It's getting late,it's night time. The dangerous time that mobs will spawn in.

He told Alex to stay but she refused,she want to join. She wants to come and see Notch if he is already.

Herobrine don't want to argue with her,so he uses his invisibility ability to cloak him and Alex to get past the dangerous yet corrupted mobs. They search for Notch,sneaky and quietly.

Then,Alex gasped as her heart aches.

“Notch is here,close by. He is hurt badly,I feel it." She said.

“show me the way." Said Herobrine.

She nodded and show Herobrine the way to Notch,once they got there. They had a horrified expression,seeing Notch have a wound. Alex was about to scream but Herobrine covered her mouth,her screams are muffled by his hand.

(Herobrine's POV)

I covered Alex's mouth from screaming so it won't alert the corrupted mobs. I told her to close her eyes to not see the gore.

She cries in tears and did as she was told. She stay close to me as we get near to Notch.

I kneel down to Notch and shook his shoulder. His eyes were closed and he wasn't moving.

“Notch. Notch,please don't leave. We need you,don't leave Alex. Think about her,think about Steve. Think about your world. You can't let that Entity control Minecraft. Please. Big brother. Don't leave."

“Big brother,don't leave me alone."

I step back as I see him moving his body and his wrists. He opened his eyes slowly. He shift and try to move,he groans and fall down against the tree. He look down,seeing his wounds.

“Who did this to you?" Asked Alex as she open her eyes.

“Steve...." He said.


“He couldn' wouldn't...." I said.

“I know,but don't worry. He didn't kill me off,he resist. Steve is still in there. He needs us more then anything."

Alex and I nodded as we heard zombies coming to this direction.

Damn. I can't use my powers here. What are we going to do.

Alex turn around and saw a few zombies. She throw blocks at them to slow them down from her inventory.

“Notch,do you have enough energy to get us out." I said.

“I think so."

The zombies were moaning and groaning. The movement of them are faster,they can think like people. They act smarter.

This is Null's work.

Then I felt a hand touching my leg and Alex's leg. Notch disappeared along with me and Alex.

We appeared at the Castle. He shouted out for the guards to shut the gate and lock the doors to protect the Castle. He heard them as he heard a loud door slam and gate closing. The guards were inside the building,guarding on the inside.

I look over to the window and see zombies below banging on the doors,trying to get in. Sadly the doors are strong. Notch put magic on them long ago when I was human.

I turn around as I see Alex,healing Notch's wounds with a Regeneration Potion.

“This shall regenerate your health." She said.


With Steve. . . .

Steve got slammed against the wall,then was thrown on the floor,he bleeds slightly from his corrupted eye. He was about to stand up but the Null kept him down by kicking him in the spine.

Steve coughed out and screams in pain. The pain were harsh,he try to move but it was useless. He knows why Null is upset with him.

Null has seen what Steve has done. He resisted,he didn't kill off Notch,his own creator. He should've kill him if he has the change to. Steve has tears in his eyes,he started to glitch out and cries,he begs Null to stop,but Null doesn't have to listen a corrupted human.

After Null done torturing him,he grabbed Steve by the hair,pulling him to his face.

“Don't Disappointed me again!" He yelled at Steve.

Steve whines,yet he understood. Null drop him on the floor as he left the room. Entity 303 appeared in the room,clicking his tongue.

“Tick tick,that was a bad thing you done,Steve. You should've kill him. You had a chance to. And what did you do? You resisted. I'm ashamed of you. I thought you could do much better." Said Entity 303.

I'm so sor-ry mas- no! Get away from me!"

Steve were corrupted till he jumped back away from Entity 303,bringing out his Diamond Sword.

The human Steve were shaking from head to toe,he is frighten of Entity 303. He already have marks on his neck. Entity 303 gave him those marks.

Imagine If Herobrine would see those marking on Steve's neck.

“Time for a lesson."

The last thing was heard was Steve screaming.

(Herobrine's POV)

It is currently night time,Notch fell asleep and so did Alex,I have to keep on a lookout for any corrupted mobs in the area. I want to make sure everything is in order.



“Can you hear me?"


I thought it was my imagination that I'm hearing Steve's voice,it's impossible. He can't possess that kind of power. Steve is a human. He's no god.

“I'm scare Hero...."

I felt an hug from behind,I turn around and only see nothing.

Then,I turned back around,seeing Steve sitting by the baloney. I heard him sobbing in tears. He kept crying,repeating my name.

He sound so scare.

“Steve,I'm here for you."

HeroSteve:Corrupted HeartWhere stories live. Discover now