Chapter 1- Dance

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Aiden's Pov
"Hey baby. Do you wanna come over to my house and study?" Miranda my ex-girlfriend asked me as the bell rung. I looked at her with no emotion she is so desperate it's not even funny. She batted her fake eyelashes while she arched her back trying to make her boobs look bigger and her butt look bigger which failed. I looked at her and rolled my eyes.

"No. I have to watch over my siblings tonight and I have dance practice" I said to her as Landon and Mia came over and their eyes win demes when they saw the desperate slut cling on to me trying to convince me to come over. She doesn't want to study we all know what she wants and sadly I've made that mistake many times with her and many other girls. Yes you can consider me a prep I'm basically the bad boy of the school which I will take over a prep. Mostly all the girls want to come up to me and flirt. They all love my eyes the most just because sometimes they turn bluish grey or brown which is both from my mothers side.

"What about Landon or Mia? Can't they watch after them? And come on Aiden, dance?" she complained I finally got tired of it and walked away from her going out with my siblings. We all had our drivers license but we always trade off who drives each day today is me. So we got into my grey Lamborghini.

"Ooo! Was Miranda bothering you again?" Mia said and I mumbled a few colorful words under my breath and they both laughed while I rolled my eyes. Soon we made it home and once I opened the door here comes Maya running down the stairs with Dalton. Maya ran straight towards me and I picked her up while she hugged me. Dalton almost fell the last step but Mia caught him and he laughed while she spun him around and Landon just looked lonely. Them Echo and Commander came in and tackled him to the ground. Then mom came down with Scar while she giggled just looking at her. Then we all including the dogs went to her and hugged her. We all love mom.

"Hello guys" she giggled as we all stepped back from her. Then in his glory dad came down we all hugged him too and back away while he smiled.

"Hey guys" dad said as he went behind mom and kissed her head. She smiled and we all made a gross noise and mom and dad rolled their eyes while dad walked away and mom told Mia, Landon, and I to get ready for dance. We all went to our rooms to get ready.

I wore black joggers, white t-shirt with grey sleeves, and my grey high tops

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I wore black joggers, white t-shirt with grey sleeves, and my grey high tops. When everyone came down the only thing left was for mom to come down and when she did I'm not going to lie if she wasn't my mother I would have probably dated her by now. She surprisingly looks young for her age to be honest. She is an amazing dancer she has been doing it for so long. We have been doing it for 5 years.

"Come on guys! We're going to be late!" She yelled grabbing hold of Landon's shirt then he grabbed mine and I grabbed Mia's while we got dragged to moms car. She drove like a mad women to her studio and there was all our friends standing outside waiting mom sighed and got out getting her keys unlocking it.

"Hey dude"



We all stopped and looked at Gabriel when he said 'yello' he looked at us and shrugged. Gabriel is Uncle Ash and Aunt Ava's son along with Stacey they had them a little bit after we were born they are twins. I'm surprised mom and dad didn't know about them. But they didn't. We have 4 girls and 5 boys in the class. Mom loves it she says she's always had more girls though.

"Hey Marie" Landon said and went up to Marie. Marie has to be the quietest one out of all of us but Landon has a huge crush on her. It's cute. But Nolan one of my friends likes Mia and I mean Nolan is one of my best friends but he is dangerous and I don't want Mia in a relationship with him. Nolan is one my trusted friends he knows about my dads gang and when I take over the gang I'm going to make Nolan my right hand man.

"Mia. You remember what I said about Nolan" I said when she walked past me to go into the studio while everyone else was already in there. She looked at me and nodded. We then walked in and I watched Gabriel try to flirt with Gabby and Marie and they both rolled there eyes and warmed up and he shrugged while he went over to the boys to also warm up.

"Ok come one guys lets get started" mom yelled and everyone got into our teams which was boys vs girls. She told us to freestyle cause that's what we mostly do. We had to dance to a Black Coast remix by Trap Nation which my mom is obsessed with. After we're done mom always picks who did the best and gives a prize today was fun day and this is our fun day. Once we were done she told us the girls won because they sass in and how at the end they snapped their fingers at us and flipped their hair. And I agree with that. Mom knows a lot so we don't question her skills.

Mom told us good job and the boys started to yell that she should dance and show her skills for the, even if they are related to her they still think she is... Hot... I hate saying that about my mom it's.. Weird.. I punched them and Landon have them all a extra punch and they all shrugged and mom laughed and we all smiled. Mom can light up a room with only a smile that's why o love her. And she shrugged and turned a song on and started to dance.
Hello my magical sea unicorns! I'm back and better than ever! Oh and sorry for so many pictures at the top I couldn't figure out which one I liked the most❤️. Aiden will be played by Manu Rios.

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What will soon come?

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