Chapter 11- Meeting the Family

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Jezebel' Pov
We are currently driving to Mr. Casin's gang house. Aiden looks really peed.. His fists are turning white on how hard he is holding the steering wheel and his jaw is clenched. Oh and let's not forget the awful mad look on his face. I sighed and snuggled more into the car seat wishing it would just swallow me. Soon we made it to the gang house and Aiden got out and slammed the door making me jump. He stormed over to my side and opened it grabbing my hand and pulling me with so much force I cried in pain of how hard he was holding me. He looked back at me with concerning eyes and mumbled a small sorry and went on.

"Aiden! Why are you here, what's the occa- oh. You look mad" a guy with glasses and brown hair fixed in a cute boyish way said coming in. The girls and Aiden's friends and brother are still over at our house.

"Yea Uncle Ash. But you probably know why" Aiden growled out with Ash nodding. Then a women walked in with a huge baby bump with another guy helping her walk in.

"Hey Aiden! Is this your fiancée?" The lady asked and Aiden nodded she started to eat up and push the guy that was helping her away coming to me and bringing me into a bear hug.

"Chelsea love let the poor girl be. I doubt she wants to deal with your hormones" the guy said and the woman known as Chelsea whipped her head around glaring at the guy.

"Wes! You better shut up! Or so God help me I will jack you up! You married me for a reason, and that reason is to deal with everything to do with me including my hormones! And God! Why is your British accent so hot!" She yelled.

"And say hi to the nice lady!" She yelled and Wes said hi while he shook his head helping her back out while she smiled and waved at me. Aiden sighed while talking to ash and two more guys came in looking serious while another one trailed behind.

"Oh my gosh! Alec! Come in here and meet Aiden's fiancée!" The guy that was well built yelled.

"Pierce calm down! I'm coming!" A guy yelled coming in holding the other guys hand. Aw. They are gay! Most people have problems with gay people but I don't really mind. As long as the person is happy and in love.

"She looks like a nice one Aiden" the guy with brown hair and blue eyes said in a deep voice.. This guy is intimidating.. Aiden nodded while the other one nodded and smiled at me and waved. I said hi and then Pierce awed.

"Ella. This is Cole and Connor" Aiden said and I said hi again. While they nodded to me and Alec smiled looking at Pierce awe at me.

"IN MY OFFICE NOW!" A roaring voice known as Carter Casin yelled. Ash, Pierce, Cole, Connor, Alec, and Aiden got serious while Wes walked in with a stern face and they all nodded going with Aiden staying behind.

"Ella go to the living room and stay there until I come get you" he said and I nodded then he left with the other guys I went to the living room to see Bella, Chelsea, and another women I don't know. When Chelsea saw me she started to squeal when Bella and the other women looked at me.

"Ava! This is Aiden's fiancée... Oh dear I didn't get your name"

"It's Jezebel. Jezebel Pari"


The room fell silent as they realized that I was Susan's daughter, Bella already knew this and looked at Ava and Chelsea stare at me. Bella shook her head at them and motioned me to come sit down. I slowly walked over there and when I sat down she whistled and two dogs came in. They jumped up on the couch and started to lick me while I giggled and petted them. After they were done Ava and Chelsea were smiling.

"This is Commander and Echo" Ava said finally speaking words in my direction. I smiled while petting Echos head and Commanders stomach. We all started to talk about random things and they awed over my ring. Then Dalton, Aiden's little brother came in running towards Bella.

"Momma! Maya took my toy!" He whined just as Maya cane running in.

"No I didn't!" She squeaked, Bella sighed and gave Maya a stern look which made Maya blush.

"Maya. If you have Daltons toy just give it back and you won't be punished" she said and Maya huffed and ran out and then back in with his toy. Dalton smiled and got up getting back his toy running out. Then Amaya slowly followed behind but now before Bella could yell for her to stay. Maya slowly turned around.

"Maya you will be getting a lecture later. Now go on" and with that she ran out I giggled and turned towards Ava, Bella, and Chelsea.

"How is like having kids?" I asked and they all looked at me.

"Being pregnant with one isn't even the worst part of it!"

"Toddler years and teenage years are the worst!"

"While being pregnant your feet grow! You're emotional! And you have cravings!"

I looked at them and let me tell you they went on and on about how bad it is until their faces grew soft.

"But they are your babies. And they will always be your beautiful miracles"

I smiled at Bella's words just as we heard a crash in Mr. Casin's office. Bella sighed and shook her head while Ava and Chelsea looked deep in thought. Just as I was about to ask what that was Aiden and the guys came in along with Mr. Casin. Mr. Casin immediately grabbed Bella and sat her in his lap while hugging her. I guess he was trying to calm down. We'd say beside Chelsea rubbing her baby bump. And Ash sat beside Ava with his arm draped around her.

"Lets go Ella. We should be heading back" Aiden said as his voice was stern but turned a little soft when he was talking to me. I nodded and said bye to everyone. Well I got to meet his family.
Hi my magical sea unicorns... Please don't hurt me.. I'm so sorry I've been so busy the past few weeks it's just band, dance, 4H, and school have hit me in the face hard! Anyway hope you like this episode!

Do you think Aiden will figure out?

What will Jezebel do if he does?

And is Jezebel growing feelings for Aiden?

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