Chapter 4- Discussion

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Bella's Pov
I can't believe Carter is making my baby boy marry some girl. I feel bad for the girl too! They should marry someone they love not because of some stupid treaty! After Aiden left I tried to get out of Carters lap but he grabbed my waist and kept me there. I huffed and looked at him.. More like glared at him, he sighed and made me straddle him while he cupped my face with his hands. I also sighed and leaned into his touch.

"Why are you doing this Carter? They should both marry out of love. And for heaven sakes they are 16!" I yelled and he looked at me and kissed me and he kissed me because of whatever reason but I kissed him back because I'm trying to take my anger out... Weird way to do that isn't it? He leaned back and I was calm and he smiled at me.

"I know mi flora.. I also know they are young but we decided that they will spend time together for 2 years and by the time they are both 18 they will wed. We need this treaty" he said and I sighed and nodded knowing I can't fight with him. I need to tel him..

"Carter... I need to tell you something.." I said and he pulled back from our hug and looked at me and arched an eyebrow telling me to continue I took a breath in and began.

"Carter... I think my mom is still alive..."

Jezebel's Pov
I ran to my house and it's about 5 miles from Aiden's house and I'm not that fit so I'm gasping for breathe. When I got there I quickly went to the fridge and got water and headed to my dads office. I knocked and went in when I heard a muffled 'come in'. When I stepped in dad looked.. Weird..

"Did you need something dad?"

"Yes Jezebel. Take a seat" I sat down and stared at him and let my thoughts roam freely in my head making me earn a headache. I hate that when it happens.. It happens way to often to me. Dad smirked while I took a sip of water. I looked at him and waited him to begin.

"Well. As you know. This is a gang we aren't on good terms with. So we made a treaty to get along" he said said 'get along' sarcastically I quirked my eyebrow up and he smiled.. His smile scares me.. Every since mom died me and dad have been on awful terms. "You will marry the father's son" my eyes widened. What!

"But what what the father doesn't know is you will spy on them while your there. You are going to marry the boy. You will stay there for 2 years to supposedly get to know each other. You will learn information about them and tell me" he said and I gapped at him. He is making me marry a guy I don't know! Oh no. I can't marry this guy! But I don't love him! I want to marry for love! This is so unfair! "Yes father. Am I dismissed?" I asked and he nodded and while I got up he stopped me right as I was about to go through the doors. I turned back and looked at him and he smiled.

"We will be attending a ceremony tomorrow for your guys wedding. Oh and don't forget your water bottle" I sighed and rolled my eyes getting my water bottle and running to my room. I threw my water bottle in the ground and jumped in my bed sobbing. I don't want to do this! What did I do to deserve this? I've always been a good girl. I don't understand.. But if I don't listen to my father I don't know what will happen. I'll have to look in my closet for some supplies to make this dress for tomorrow. Yes I make my own dresses because my dad won't let me get one.

"Let's see..." I said as I swiped through pics and beautiful dresses and I finally landed on a beautiful dress and got inspired from it. Ok... Now... Let's get started.. Hm.. Ok so this...

Aiden's Pov
I'm on my bed and my dad came in a few seconds ago and told me that we are having a ceremony for my wedding tomorrow and to wear a nice something. I nodded and went into my closet into the fancy department which had watches, suits, shoes, cologne, and ties. I went in and got a white dress shirt, a black dress jacket, black dress pants, black dress shoes, a Rolex watch, a black tie, and a black handkerchief. I sat them all out and took a shower. I got into shorts and a t-shirt and sighed running a hand throw my wet messy hair. I need to speak with Mia and Landon. I walked out of my room and went to Mia's and saw them playing around.

"Guys.. I have to get married for a treaty" I said running a hand through my hair again and they stopped while Mia had a cookie in her mouth and Landon trying to get it and they both looked at me with wide eyes in an awkward position. They both yelled 'what' at the same time and I sighed walking over and siting on her bed while Mia sat beside me and Landon sat beside her.

"We have to make a treaty with The Sparrows it's time we made up so I have to marry the guys daughter I will meet her tomorrow and we will stay together for 2 years to get to know each other and when I'm 18 I will marry her" I said and they both looked at me shocked while I sighed and rested my elbows on my knees holding my head up with my hands.

"Oh my God.. Aiden I'm so sorry..."

"Dude that's rough"

"Thanks, and I know.." I said and looked back up and Mia have me a small smile and I smiled back we three always have had a connection because we are triplets. Mia can always make me laugh and smile and Landon... He is just annoying.. But I love him and her.

"We will get through this together" Mia said and we all grouped hug white Mia getting squished in the middle.. This is why I always tell them everything.
I really wish I had sibling

What will happen when Aiden and Jezebel figure out?

So Bella thinks her mom is still alive?

What will happen?

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