Chapter 23- The Choice

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Aiden's Pov
I was fighting off Dylan's men and after I shot one he fell down and Julia came.

"Nice to see you again Aiden" she said and I made a disgusted face she threw her knife down and I threw my gun down charging at her. She punched my face and let me tell you this women was trained killing machine. I punched her in the gut making her groan.

"Have to give it to you, your a good fighter" she said laughing. Then the guy I saw talking to Bella came from behind her hanging up on me.

"Caden, of course your apart of this" I said and he laughed. "Nothing against you or anything it's just I had already had a deal and plus I bribed Dylan on giving Jezebel's hand in marriage" he said and my blood boiled, I'm going to enjoy ripping him to pieces. I tackled him to he ground and we wrestled and some of my dads men came and took him.

"Aiden, are you ok?" My mom asked coming over to me in a black leather suit.

"Yea? Why are you dresses like that?" I asked and she looked down at herself and laughed.

"Oh! Gang business" she said with a hand in her hip and we heard a gun cock and she pulled out a throwing knife and threw it hitting the guy in the neck. She sighed and then dad and his brothers with my friends came.

"Hey dude! How's it going?" Gabriel asked and we all looked at him while Nolan punched him in the arm.

"Ow! That hurt! What was that for?"

"For being stupid"

I rolled my eyes at them and then heard barking I looked at the house and saw Gina running out with a small limp. Mom awed and picked her up.

"Jezebel!" I yelled when I saw a little blood on Gina's fur that wasn't hers. I ran inside to our secret room and she was gone. All that was left was a small note.

Hello Aiden. I thought Jezebel would like to visit her father because she so badly wanted to see him! So I'm taking her to him, oh by the way you throw a good punch! See you soon.


I tore the note up and punched the wall. I stormed out of the room and into the yard where my family and friends were.

"She's gone. They took her." I muttered dangerously, mom raised her eyebrows and looked shocked.

"How do you know?" She asked and I threw the note pieces on the ground making them look at them then at me.

"Julia left a note." I said and they all had hard faces.

"We will get her back" dad said and all of my friends came beside me and patted my back. Then we headed to my dads gang house and started packing up weapons. Julia knew I was coming to get her, and we will be ready.

"I'm calling your Uncle Alec and your grandfather Robert to help back us up" dad said and I nodded. I'm coming for you Ella.

Jezebel's Pov
"Wake up brat!" Someone yelled throwing ice cold water on me making me squeal sitting up fast and regretting it from where they kicked my side. They laughed and I chuckled at them.

"What's so funny slut?" One of my dads men asked and I just threw my head back chuckling.

"It's funny cause I'm going to be the one laughing back at you when you get tortured" I said and he fumed while the other men told him to calm down and to walk away. The man grumbled and walked away with them.

"Jezebel" Someone said taunting me. I rolled my eyes and saw my dad walk to my cell. I gave him a distasteful face and he made a pouty face.

"Awe. Not excited to see me? Your own father?" He said and I spit at his feet hitting his shoes.

"You are not my father! You lied to me about mom! You used me!" I yelled at him and he sighed rubbing his head in annoyance.

"Well you were made with this package.. Your mom was.. What do I call it.. An annoying little brat, like you. I used you because I could care less how you feel" he said simply and I looked at him evilly. Both of my parents were and are had people. But that isn't going to make me bad. Well I mean Aiden is going to take over the most feared gang ever.. But they don't kill innocent people!

"You sicken me!" I yelled and him and he laughed walking away telling someone to come in. Then walked in a Julia with Emery and someone else. Caden.. It's Caden! He's apart of this too?

"Hello Jezebel" Caden said smiling and I looked at him blankly and nodded. Julia smiled and Emery stood hanging her head down.

"You better start being more nice to him Jezebel. He's your future husband." Julia said and I shook my head I'm engaged to Aiden. We are together and someday we're going to get married but out of love! I will never be with Caden! Ever!

"No! Aiden is my only love! I will never ever love Caden! I will never marry you!" I yelled at Julia and then directing toward Caden. They both chuckled while Emery let a single tear out and she looked up at me mouthing a sorry.

"You have no choice sweetheart. If you don't marry me, your father and Julia will kill Aiden and all of his family and friends" Caden said and I looked at them in pure horror.

"You wouldn't do that! You wouldn't!" I yelled and they both laughed loudly throwing their heads back. After there laughing fit they both looked back at me.

"So which is it Ella?" Caden said and I looked at him disgusted he used my nickname only Aiden could use.

"Will you marry Caden or not?" Julia said and I looked down torn crying.
Dun dun dunnnnnnn

Will Aiden get hurt in battle?

Will they get Jezebel back?

What will Jezebel choose?

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