Chapter 7- Burn

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Aiden's Pov
We got into my car and drove to our new house by the time we got there Jezebel was asleep. I yawned and got out and opened her side and picked her up. I went to the elevator that has a passcode on it, I type the passcode in and it opened. I went in and went to the living room I looked down at Jezebel and saw her smiled and snuggle into me making me smile. What the heck is wrong with me? I talked to dad about it and he told me something about our blood line.

I shook it off and walked up stairs and because I didn't want to be on her bad side so I put her in her own room. After I laid her down I wrapped a cover over her top half making sure she wouldn't freeze then I wiped the makeup off her face. After I did that I sat down at the end of her bed and took her heels off and laid them down. I got up and looked around her room and saw beautiful paintings with her name on each one. I smiled and looked at her sleeping peacefully. I yawned again and decided I should go to bed also. I got up and went to my room. I went into my closet which looked exactly like Jezebel's and went into my bathroom which was the same as Jezebel's as well. I got cleaned up and put on my boxers and went to bed.

Jezebel's Pov
---time skip---
I woke up in a fluffy comforter so I yawned and snuggled more into it enjoying it and then I remember what happened last night I sat up real quick and moaned in tiredness and annoyance. I got up and went to the bathroom that was connected to my beautiful room when I went in I saw my makeup was already off and my shoes were too but my dress was still on. I went to my closet and got a pair of high waist washed out jeans and a black crop top that met the jeans then my black flats. I went to the bathroom and put my clothes on and a little makeup on.

I headed down stairs and looked around the house is huge it has a movie room, a game room, an arcade, a dance room, a music room, and a art room! After I traveled around the house I went to the kitchen where I smelled heavenly food. When I went in I saw Aiden making French toast I walked up to the bar and sat down and he saw me and smiled.

"Good morning Ella" he said and I sighed. How many times to I have to tell this boy my name is not Ella even if it's a nickname. He looked at me and he had grey joggers, black high top vans, and a black t-shirt. He smiled and sat a plate in front of me which had French toast and he had a black backpack and a baby pink one.

"Hurry up we have to get to school" he said and I sighed and ate my food quickly and put my plate into the sink. After I did I got my backpack from him that had all my stuff neatly organized and his wasn't I rolled my eyes from his messiness and he smirked and arched an eyebrow.


"Your backpack is messy. It's disgusting"

"Hm. I actually think I have a sock in here and some snacks"

I made a face and he clicked the elevator button and we got in while we went down the the garage that had tons of expensive cars we walked to his car which was grey Lamborghini. After we locked and secured the elevator door with a passcode only Aiden and I know. We drove to school and everyone was whispering when I got out and Aiden grabbed my right hand in his left hand and everyone saw my ring and gasped and people were trying to get closer to see Aiden's hand when they did they gasped and I was so embarrassed and annoyed Aiden just had a smile on his face.


When we got into school even more people gasped while looking at our hands. The Miranda and Jessie came up to us and everything got silent while they all watched us. Miranda pushed me away so I stumbled back and smirked talking to Aiden.

"Hey babe" she said while rubbing her hand up and down his arm and he made a disgusted face and came to me then grabbed my arms looking at me while he asked if I was ok. I smiled slightly and I heard Miranda yell in frustration. Then she smirked.

"You know Jezebel I didn't know sluts were allowed in the school" she said while everyone yelled 'burn' or yelled 'oo' I frowned and I decided from today now on I'm done with her attitude. She has pushed me around for too long. Aiden was about to say something but I cut him off.

"Well I saw you and thought it was ok" I said and she made a shocked face while I smiled and everyone yelled again but louder I rolled my eyes and walked to my first that Aiden was also in everyone made a pathway for me and I smiled. Aiden came behind me and we walked in. Soon it was Mrs. Gonzalez class. Great... We had to make a dance up I have the perfect song. Even if Aiden doesn't like it I'll make him.

"Ok class get into your groups"

We all got into our groups and I showed Aiden the song called Glendora. He liked it and we are planing on doing an old timey kind of theme but also give a now days theme. We decided we would practice when we got home which is 3:20 and start there and end at 5:00. Soon school was over and we were in the car.
Ok. So I want to explain why this series has a lot of Dytto stuff (a famous female freestyle dancer) and it's because I love her style of dance and dance is going to be in this series because it's just something they all love.

I don't have any questions so you ask and I'll answer.

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