Chapter 13- "Who was that?"

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Jezebel's Pov
I woke up to an empty bed and because today was school I got up and started getting ready I put on a light pink crop top t-shirt, Baugh waisted jeans, and black flats. I then left my hair naturally and put massacre and eyeliner on and headed down stairs. I grabbed an apple and my back pack and waited for Aiden to come. After a few minutes of sitting in the living room reading he finally came down ready while grabbing an apple himself. Then we headed out, when we got to school everyone's heads turned towards us.

"It will be ok Ella ignore them" Aiden said trying to calm me down. I took a deep breathe a nodded.

"By the way my name's not Ella it's Jezebel" I said back and he just shrugged and continued to walk to class dragging me with him. When we walked into class Aiden dragged me towards the front which I like to stay on the back but Aiden decided he want to sit up front with the popular people. I shrunk in my chair while Jessica and Miranda's eyes were burning the side of my head and Aiden talked to his friends. Then our teacher walked in. The bell was a few minutes of ringing so I asked if I could use the restroom. The teacher allowed me to, so I got up getting my stuff heading out of the room quickly. On my way to the bathroom someone grabbed me. Pulling me into a classroom.

"Jezebel would you shut up! It's one of your fathers men!" When I heard the man talk I calmed down. My dad told me a day ago he was going to send one of his men to ask for a report on Mr. Casin. I feel awful about doing this to them.. But they killed my mother.. But this still isn't right.

"The only thing I know is that there looking for one of there family members! That's it!" I said his voice sounding familiar. He soon smirked and I looked at him in confusion he soon chuckled and the knob of the door turned slightly. The guy ran into the cabinet close by hiding and that's when I realized this is my next class and kids started to pour into the room along with Aiden and his friends. I sat in the back while I saw Aiden excuse himself from his friends and come to the back with me.

"Are you ok Ella?" He asked and I just nodded my head while getting my stuff out for this class.

"So are you ready for the dance this Friday? We have to practice more. We haven't really had a chance. Plus you don't know how to tut or anything you know how to do ballet though so we will need to practice" Aiden said and I nodded again while Mrs. Gonzalez told us to get into our groups. We did and Aiden started to teach me.

"Hey! Wait! Maybe I can do my dance style and you can do ballet that would get us so much points, I'll go ask if it's ok" he said and got up going over to the teacher asking her. I guess Glendora is out, I looked to the cabinet beside of me and the guy was looking at me trough a little peek hole. Then Aiden came back and said it was fine. The class was soon over and everyone left I also left because I didn't want to deal with the guy. After a few hours all my classes were over but when I was walking out without Aiden I got pulled into an alleyway by the same guy.

"What do you want! I already told you! I haven't got anything!" I whispered/yelled and he smirked gripping me by my hips getting dangerously close to my face.

"I know darling. Just wanted to start some drama and remind you of what your job is" he said and I felt eyes on us and saw Aiden shocked. I pushed the guy back and he chuckled and went away. I watched him go away and looked back at Aiden who looked gutted. I shook my head waking towards him.

"Aiden it isn't what it looks like" I said while tears welded up in my eyes. He looked down at the ground beside him and raised a hand for me to stop.

"Who was that?" He asked in a whisper still looking at the ground. I was holding my back tears in and I didn't trust my voice so I didn't speak and that's when he went off.

"Who was that Jezebel!" He yelled using my name and he never uses my name.

"Aiden he isn't anyone! I swear! I didn't do anything Aiden! Please! Believe me! It was one of my fathers men!" I yelled and my eyes widened at what I said then Aiden looked at me and looked beside of me. I also did and saw a piece of paper. He stormed towards me and picked it up. He read it and looked at me.

"Really Jezebel! God I'm so stupid! If you ever show your face at my home again I won't be able to stop what happens! Your a pathetic weak girl Jezebel" And with that he went away I picked the paper up and it looked like my hand writing. Which said..

They know about Julia and how we have her. And also I haven't got any new news other than the last shipment they had. I'll get back to you soon.

What? I mean I'm not happy about this at all but if dad wanted to know about their shipments why would he want this to happen? And we have his mother? I ran all the way to the house and typed the password in and saw Aiden with a girl. I ran to my room and cried and cried.

"I'm sorry Aiden and Mr and Mrs. Casin. I wouldn't have done it if I knew you guys were such nice people and I wouldn't have done it if I known I was going to fall in love... I'll make this better! I promise!"
Hey my magical sea unicorns! I hope you like the update!

So Jezebel loves Aiden?

Do you think Aiden and the Casin's will forgive her?

What will happen?

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