Chapter 22- Bad and Good Gifts

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Jezebel's Pov
When I woke up I was wrapped in a cozy blanket with a heavy muscular arm around me. I smiled and yawned moving Aiden's arm sitting up while I held the blanket up over my chest. I looked around and grabbed my undergarments and put on Aiden's t-shirt. I got up and flopped right back in the bed with the aching between my legs. I heard Aide chuckle so I hit him with a pillow and wobbled over to the bathroom, deciding to take a shower.

After I took a shower Aiden was already up and gone. I went into the closet and got proper clothes on. After I did I went down stairs to be greeted by Aiden. Today was a special day but I don't think Aiden knew that it is. Today is my birthday! But I don't mind just spending it with Aiden. When I saw Aiden he smiled and pulled me to him and pecked my lips. He rested his head on mine looking into my eyes,

"Happy birthday Ella" he said and I pulled back and looked at him. How did he figure out?

"How did you know?" I asked with an arched eyebrow looking at him.

"I know everything about you" he said and I laughed at him while pushing him away walking to the living room sitting on the couch. He soon came in and sat next to me, draping his arm around me pulling me to his side.

"I got a really good gift for you" he said and I hummed and looked at him. He got up and got a drawing that he apparently made it looked kinda like a dog but I don't know. I laughed at the picture while he looked proud of it then he whistled and a dog cane in. I got up pushing Aiden out of my sight and picked the puppy up letting it lick my face and yip happily.

"Aiden! She's adorable! What's her name? Is she yours? What type of puppy is she?" I asked and he calmed me down before answering them.

"Well first of all" he said laughing and then continuing,"her name is Gina, second of all she's not mine she's yours, and lastly she is a mutt" he said and I squealed because I got a puppy for my birthday! I sat her down letting her look around and I picked Aiden's picture up.

"You put a lot of effort into it didn't you?" I asked and he nodded and I laughed at him.

"Thanks hun" I said and he smiled kissing my head and we heard a hip and we looked at Gina and she sat at our feet her head tilted a little while she had a toy in her mouth.

"This was probably a bad idea.." I heard Aiden mumble I laughed at him and picked her toy up and threw it letting her catch it and play with it. I looked back at Aiden and jumped in his arms squealing. He laughed holding me up by my butt.

"Thank you so much Aiden! This is the best birthday gift I have ever received!" I said and snuggled my head into his neck.

"You deserve everything in the world Ella" he said and I laughed at him pushing his chest and I looked at Gina while she barked at me. She had set her leash down in front of her. I giggled and got off of Aiden and licked it up hooking it to her collar. She jumped happily to the door while Aiden followed behind me. When we walk outside Gina hopped and rolled around happily. I took her leash off and let her run loose.

There was a fence around our house with guards and one part of our yard has a medium sized hill. So when I saw Gina going over to it and flopping down rolling down it I laughed my butt off. I looked at Aiden that had his eyebrow raised and I pointed at Gina. He looked over just as Gina went down the hill. We both laughed and joined her. We all stopped at the bottom and laid on our backs looked at the sky. Gina barked at a butterfly that past us and chased it.

"RUN! GET OUT IF HERE!" Someone yelled and we both sat up quickly to see Emery and then getting tackled down by Julia. Then gun shots were fired. Aiden covered my body and we ran inside. I grabbed Gina on our way and we went to our secret room. Aiden got a gun and was getting ready to go out but I stopped him.

"Aiden! Wait! Don't leave me! Please" I started out and got quieter, he sighed and kissed my forehead.

"I'll be fine Ella, I'll be back as quick as possible" he said and went to go again but I grabbed his arm again pulling him back to me. I heard Gina whimpering in the corner and it broke my heart. But what broke my heart even more is the thought of him getting hurt.

"Please Aiden! Please don't leave me, what if you get hurt what if someone comes in here what if.."

"What if the sky fell and we got taken by monkeys, I'll be fine Ella! Just stay in here and I'll be back as soon as possible" he said and I sobbed while he held me tightly in his arms. I covered my mouth when I heard gun shots and a man yelling in pain. Aiden pulled back hearing they got closer. He looked me in the eyes and at the door and back at me then kissed me on my lips and forehead.

"I'll be back as soon as I possibly can, I promise Ella. I wouldn't leave you like that" he said and walked slowly back from me taking my hand and letting it fall down when he ran out of the secret room. I walked back and went in the corner and sit with Gina sobbing into my hand hearing gunshots I squeezed Gina a little holding her and prayed everything would be fine.
I am so sorry my magical sea unicorns.. I've just learn some news that my nanny's cancer is getting really bad and she only has a week to live and also that I won't be able to go to New York.. But it's fine.. I might not update in a week or two cause of everything that is happening. I'm hoping a miracle will happen and my nanny will get better and I will be able to go to New York.. Love you all! Hope you like the update! You guys can ask the questions. I will answer them.

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