Chapter 6- Surprise

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Jezebel's Pov
Oh my God! I have to marry Aiden? Aiden Casin! Hehe. That rhymes... No! Snap out of it Jezebel! Oh my God! I think I'm going to pass out!

"So you kids go dance and get to know each other while we discuss things" dad said and pushed us to the dance floor when a slow dance came on. I looked at the ground and Aiden sighed and grabbed my hand and held it out while he made my hand go on his shoulder and he rested his hand on my waist. He started to dance with the music and did I. He is a good dancer.. What am I saying? He takes freakin dance classes from his mom! A famous dancer!

"Jezebel? Are you ok with all this?" Aiden asked me and I shrugged and Aiden nodded and looked at my dress.. He seemed upset? I thought I did good. Is something out of place? Oh God. I'm everywhere! Get a hold of yourself Jezebel. Deep breathe deep breath.

"Your dress is so... Exposing.."

"What's it to you?"

"Well you are my fiancé so why would I want people looking at what's mine?"

"Listen Aiden" I said while I leaned into him, my mouth close to his head and I could visible see him stiffen which I smirked too. "This is all fake. So. I will see who I want to see and you can still sleep around with girls. Because you know what this is not real there is no real us and there never will be" I said and pulled back and he was frowning and I shrugged and excused myself while going over to the bar and ordering a tequila shot.

"Aren't you too young doll?" The bartender said while smirking at me looking towards my cleavage. I looked down at myself and looked back at him glaring.

"If I were you I would give me a drink unless you want to deal with my dad Dylan Pari or my fiancé's dad Carter Casin" I said while smiling sweetly and his face dropped into fear and nodded giving me my drink I smiled and said thank you. I drunk it and felt the burning in my throat. After 2 more I raised my dress up and went to dance I put my mask on and started to dance. I always looked up videos of ballet when I was 6 so when a song came on I started to dance to the music. Everyone was amazed and when the dance was over I saw the Aiden, Mia, Landon, Bella, and their friends gawking at me. I blushed and ran to the bathroom.

"Hello? Are you ok?" I heard a voice ask me through the stall. I opened it and saw Mia and I nodded she smiled and motioned me to come out. I did and I saw Gabby, Stacey, Marie, and Bella. Gabby asked me to take my mask off and she gasped.

"Jezebel? Your Aiden's fiancé? How did you learn to dance like that?"

"When I was 6 I looked up a lot of videos.."

"You learned how to do all that! By yourself!" She exclaimed and I blushed and nodded. Bella looked impressed and that made me happy she is a good dancer. They all started to talk to me and soon we left the bathroom and I was pulled away from the, when someone wrapped their arms around my waist and pulled me away. "You did amazing Ella. I'm impressed" he said while I felt his hot breath on my neck I shivered. No! Stop it! I shouldn't like this! I don't like him! His family killed my mom! I pulled away from him and said thank you but he just pulled me back to him and came close to my ear.

"Look believable Ella"

"My names not Ella. It's Jezebel"

"I know. Ella is a nickname"

I huffed and rolled my eyes and walked off and everyone looked like they were so happy. I stopped and looked at Mr. Casin and Mrs. Casin aka Carter and Bella. They were dancing to a slow song. They look so happy together.... They look like there in love, they got to marry to the person they love, I have to marry for a treaty but I have to spy which I've never done before... I need to paint.. Or something like sing or dance... It helps me calm down. My vision of the happy couple got blocked but Aiden who looked sad.

"Ella? Are you ok?" He asked and I nodded and he pulled me from where we were standing onto the dance floor and he pointed to someone who was controlling the music and it soon tuned into a remix. He motioned me to dance while everyone spreader out for us I shrugged because I need to calm down anyway so I did and I then did the unexpected I pretend to push the beat to Aiden he smiled and gladly started to dance and to be honest... I actually had fun, then Bella, Mia, and their friends came out and joined.

"Hey Jezebel you wanna do something fun?" Gabby asked with Mia and Stacey beside her smiling and I nodded and we all went to this one place where we hid and saw Landon and Marie talking. Gabby whispered to Mia and Stacey and she told me to stay and they crawled up behind Marie and pushed her then ran back to me. Marie fell forward into Landon's arms and she smiled and looked down due to how close they were and he made her look up at him and they leaned forward and kissed! Aw!

"Now wasn't that fun? Setting up 2 people who are in love" Stacey said and I frown.. I don't get to be with the person I love, I won't ever get that chance.. "Oh Jezebel I'm sorry I did mean to upset you" I smiled and said it was fine we all went in and my dad called me over to Aiden and his parents. I went over and stood beside of him.

"Aiden will be moving into his own house and you will go there with him to get to know each other. Your going tonight, your things have already been transported there. I nodded and me and Aiden took our leave and went to my new home. I hope they got my art things...
So my magical sea unicorns, let's get to the questions!

Will they be happy?

Will Jezebel like Aiden?

Does Aiden really like her? Or is he just giving a show?

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